Learn About The Corrupt Treachery Of The Canadian Banking System

in truth •  8 years ago  (edited)


In this talk I will explain how Canadians are getting just as screwed by Rothschild central banks as Americans, and the rest of the world. The parallels between our two countries are astounding. I bet almost NO Canadians know this information...

Links to what I discussed:

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Rothschilds central banks are operating in all nations of the world today, bar 3.

Remove the bankers and 99% of the worlds problems will disappear overnight.

I'm so pleased that you are on to this @lyndsaybowes

I'm going to share this post with some of my friends.

You really need to get on discord and make your way to the PAL Truth channel - https://discord.gg/BxDfcmd

Ok, I haven't checked discord out yet, thanks for the suggestion and THANK YOU so much for spreading awareness on steemit about all the issues this world faces. I respect you so much.

We're all in this together and we can make a difference. Thanks for the kind words Lyndsay, I'm honored. I respect you too!

Huggggggs! xo

Was your pre 1974 zero-interest money backed by a gold standard or was it a fiat currency even back then?

Thanks for the info. You mentioned a link to that lawsuit in the video but I don't see it in the post.

It looks like it was only temporarily backed by gold And thanks for letting me know about the link, it was only on my youtube chanel I'll add it now!

Hmm. That's so interesting that the US was on the gold standard for so much longer (until 1971). The history of finance is more interesting than people think.

Perhaps it's because the US had a much cleaner break from Britain? Whereas us in Canada, the goddamn so-called 'queen' is still on our money! The highest political position in Canada is not our so-called 'prime minister' it's the governor general, queenies lapdog!

Yeah, I have to admit the whole "Canada is still a colony of Britain - kind of" thing is pretty confusing to us American yokels.

This false money created by debt is then repackage and resold many times. Add fractional banking, derivative exposure, bail in law (passed in Canada) and you have a shit storm coming.
I try to warn the sheep around me only a few listen. crypto, gold silver and chickens :) is the way to go for what's ahead.

Thank you for being one who is AWARE and willing to put yourself out there, to try and get folks to LOOK at the facts. To see the trends. I'm glad you care!

Interesting! I didn't know this. Debt is slavery for sure...I had to learn from my husband @ramseyman, who went through the Dave Ramsey Money Makeover. I went along with it, kicking and screaming most of the time, but now that we are out of debt, I can see how enslaved we were to those interest payments! Freedom is awesome!

Good for you both ~ how liberating that must feel to be debt free, you are being the change we need to see in this world, especially in Canada, which has the highest household debt! I appreciate you understanding debt-slavery and fractional reserve banking! I hope you're able to help others in your life become aware of this trickery too!

We try, but unfortunately, many people think we are weird. And no matter what we say, they think they cannot live this way. It wasn't easy to get here, and that's what turns them off; they don't want to do the hard work to get to freedom. It's sad.

I knew. But you probably know that I knew that already. Lol

Yes, you are completely up to speed on all subjects <3 And I'm grateful that we are friends.

Thanks, it's a passion.

The gratefulness is mutual. 😁

Great post and video!

Thank you Mike :)

I am glad the world is waking up but hope more people take the example lead by Iceland. Ty for speaking out

Yes, we do need to go Icelandic! You are so right. Perhaps it helped that they are such a small country? It may take longer for people to rise up here, especially in Canada, where far too many folks are still comfortable. Most need to suffer to want change unfortunately.

And who runs the banks?