I have been meaning to write about New Age Beliefs for sometime now and I have written on some topics already, but it seems that this topic is coming up a lot recently, a few days ago in a video call I did and again yesterday in a Steemit reply I received, so the universe is talking and saying 'Now is the Time to Shine Light on this!'
Part of the reason for me not having written about this sooner is the knowing from when I have talked about it and shared it in smaller groups that I would be attacked for speaking out and we need to be in a place where we can deal with the attacks before we can get in the firing line!
There is huge judgment and attacking of those who do speak the Truth and speaking out against New Age beliefs is not going to make you popular because these beliefs are the 'in thing' to follow and believe in and people like to go with the popular trends and not the unpopular Truth!
The New Age Movement
The New Age movement is introducing ideas that support evil.
Yes that is quite a statement and those who know the Truth know that this is Truth!
There is a pattern in life that when someone finds out something that the 'elite' don't want to be found out then that person will be ridiculed, put down, told they are crazy and silenced in some way. (Burnt at the stake in past times!)
When the Truth is getting out of control and this tactic no longer works because there are too many speaking the Truth to keep under control then another plan has to be used and this is infiltration! If you can't outwardly control what people are saying then filtrate the movement to say what you want it to say.
Infiltration of Spiritual Beliefs
What happens here is you take a spiritual belief and somehow take it out of context, bend, twist or invert it in some way so that it sounds similar and familiar to spiritual people to believe it is true, but change the intention and energy of it to give an evil outcome.
I've already chatted about intention in my article What is the Highest Power? When we have a good understanding of energy, vibrations, frequency and how they can be used with intention to give a Pure or evil outcome then it is easy to see how the whole New Age movement is working and the huge damage that it is doing.
It will start with some 'famous leaders' speaking about the topics and getting people on board with how important these topics are. Once people are 'hooked' on these new topics then the infiltration will start to take place. Some sharing this information are agents for dark and know exactly what they are doing, whilst others are 'sheep' following the latest trend without doing any discernment for what is Truth and what is not.
Once a topic has become super popular it then becomes increasingly hard to speak out against it, go against the flow, be picked on and attacked for questioning the 'top gurus and leaders' who are of course right in all they say and do, and are like semi gods to be worshipped and adorned, and of course increase their wealth too, another form of control!
So let's take a look at some of these New Age Beliefs that have been introduced and what their actual intention is. I could actually write a whole post on each belief, which would be too much information to take in in one go, in fact the above information may already have caused some big shock to some who were not aware of this. If you feel shock then please do lots of feeling with Pure Peace and Stillness. I do have a Free Audio that you can use to do this.
- Grounding
- Forgiveness
- Gratitude
- There is only Love
- We are all ONE
- There is no right and wrong
- Balancing masculine and feminine energies
Grounding is taught with the intention of keeping people attached and connected to low and evil energies and not floating into Pure and higher realms.
I have done much experimenting with grounding and more dark energy is released when someone is not grounded. If I un-ground someone and repeat a release then more energy releases when they are ungrounded then when they were grounded. In theory, less energy would release the second time, because the majority should have gone on the first release!
When people try this for themselves and feel the difference it makes then they will stop grounding and know that this information is Truth!
The preaching of forgiveness is huge and is very damaging to those who are most hurt and in need of help.
Firstly, no one has the right to judge another or tell them what to do!
Secondly, all this preaching of forgiveness is being done to let evil off from having to live through it's own karma for all the evil it has done. The intention of the victim 'forgiving the perpetrator' is to resolve the perpetrator of the karma they have accrued from the evil act they have done! If that is not bad enough, then there is a further intention to transfer the karma to the victim through the act of 'forgiving' them!!
Talk about underhand and sneaky, this takes the biscuit and everyone is falling for it!
True Forgiveness
There is such a thing as true forgiveness and this happens when the perpetrator of the wrong doing:
- Admits they were wrong
- Apologises for the wrong done
- Changes their behaviour to not repeat the wrong action
In other words:
Forgiveness needs to be deserved by the person in the wrong.
Someone who refuses to acknowledge or admit they have done wrong, is not going to apologise or amend their ways, and has every intention to continue with the evil action does NOT deserve to to be forgiven and a burden should NOT be placed on the victim to forgive, when they can feel this Truth!
More information on my post - Am I a Bad Person if I Can’t Forgive Someone?
Gratitude is a huge money maker!! Start a course preaching gratitude with business skills and you’re bound to do well!
Frequency facts:
- Those in the lowest frequencies, despair, suicidal, homeless cannot feel gratitude, their frequency is too low
- It is too big a leap to take in vibration from very low to gratitude, which is quite a high frequency
- Anyone telling someone to feel gratitude and life will magically change has no understanding of frequency and the above facts.
- Preaching gratitude only works for those in a higher enough frequency to feel and connect to gratitude
- Gratitude is a reaction to something good happening
- Expecting someone to feel gratitude before anything good has happened is backwards and some people just cannot do this!
- What works for some people does not work for everyone, each person has unique energy and life experiences
It is a good money maker though, doesn't require any talents or gifts, just know how to grow a list and . . . . . !!
There is only Love
I have already written a post on this that you can read - All You Need is Love - But is that True?
We are all ONE
You might want to be 'ONE' with evil but I do not!
The Law of Attraction states:
Opposites Repel
Therefore we are not all one but are being forced to live with evil that we naturally repel. This is causing much disharmony and conflict in our inner selves and in the whole world.
There is no right and wrong
We teach children from an early age what is right and what is wrong, then suddenly as adults we decide there is no right and wrong, because . . . . some 'famous speaker' says so???
Talk about a mind programming!! This is total madness and people are falling for it!
It should be blatantly obvious to everyone that it is wrong to kill, murder, rape, steal, lie, con and do all the evil that goes on in this world and this teaching of 'there is no right and wrong' is to stop people being totally in their Pure Power and Integrity.
Discern, Discern, Discern!!
Balancing masculine and feminine energies
This is being introduced to diminish the powerful Pure Energy of Integrity and standing up for what is right! It's intention is to make it wrong to 'fight for Truth' and for everyone to be submissive in a 'gentle feminine' energy.
There is no benefit to society to diminish masculine energy or hype up feminine energy. True love is a perfect balance of masculine and feminine, anything else is manipulation for a desired outcome.
All this rebalancing of masculine and feminine energies is about wanting to take out the power of alpha males, reducing male Light power on earth - done in disguise.
Everything is done in disguise to serve evil!
I am not asking anyone to believe anything I have written and shared. Many people will not believe this information until they have felt it, so my message is to DISCERN!!
Thank you for reading. Sending Pure Love, Light, Truth & Pure Intentions to you and our world.
To read my other posts - click here
© Copyright Michelle Carter
*standing ovation!! Thank you for having the courage to speak up and say what has been needing to be said for so long! I know it is quite risky, especially for people who are in the spiritual business as a living, to challenge the status quo. I have massive respect for those who do <3
You raise a lot of good points! It's interesting that Grounding is where so many how-to spiritual or meditation books begin as the important thing to do. Drilling down into the Earth, pulling that back energy back up, and then staying there. In my opinion, this is a prime example of a true teaching either being watered down, or deliberately distorted.
In my own work I do work with Earth energy, and the EarthMother consciousness...but I intend the energy to be symbiotic and balanced. The Earth helps sustain my physical form and assists me a lot through messages and signs in my environment. I try to be a good steward and send good energy back, and listen when I am shown ways that I need to help, like when I'm guided to travel to different places to help energy come in. The old grids of the Earth have been completely hijacked, so tapping in to that "just Earth lacking consciousness" energy, and connecting to the suffering on the planet via the ley lines, is not a good thing, nor is being an energetic vampire. Another part of that is teaching people to dump all their negative energy down into the earth to seed and feed the dark grid. It is just not a good practice for people to do nonchalantly.
As far as being in a constant state of groundedness with my energy driven down, that has never felt natural to me. It is something I literally have to force myself to do, and it's not comfortable at all. I do much better with my energy either centered close to me, or expanded upward and outward during meditation. I do find it useful to "Center" - and pull pieces of my energy and attention back in from time to time.
I agree with your thoughts on forgiveness as well - I'll comment on that under the other article. Thank you for distinguishing between forced forgiveness vs. sincere forgiveness. It's just like love - it's not something that can genuinely be forced to be felt. Same goes for gratitude - faking it or being forced to feel it does not cut it.
All is Love, excellent thoughts and article on that. I think you bring up good points about light/TRUTH being added to the love. We should all know that sometimes no matter how much we love something dysfunctional, sometimes that turns to enabling very bad things if we are not seeing the truth in the situation, that the love is not appreciated or reciprocated.
We're All One - that is a good one that makes me absolutely sudder. Sure we're all at the most basic essential elemental level created from the same stuff and have the same Source Creator, but we are not meant to be a hivemind. Oberto used the term "ecosystem of symbiotes" in one of his books and I like that when imagining the concept of being a cooperative group unit, yet retaining our own individuality and freedom, in balanced giving and receiving...with mutually beneficial agreements in place.
The "Oneness" philosophy also lends to that "What you dislike in someone else, is what you are rejecting in yourself. You're just projecting on to them (therefore, their BS is not that bad, and by pointing it out, you ARE it.)." Um, NO. I am not always perfect, but there is not one fiber of my being that would think to do some of the insanely evil things people do.
I already shared my thoughts on masculine/feminine but that is such a huge one for me right now. And of course as a female, challenging that gets met
with "it's just your internalized misogyny!" or that somehow I'm just too
small-minded to understand "deeper" teachings.
Something else that leaped out right as I was logging off - your line "Everything is done in disguise to serve evil." That's another one.... divine service. Lord have mercy if you are not a slave to the collective. If you're not doing what they label as correct divine service , you're not "living your purpose!"
That even gets into what we see going on politically right now. I do believe we should all want to help those who need it if we can, do good in the world as much as possible, and lift people who need us up. Not all of us are able to do that financially or in ways other people expect us to. Taking away our sovereign decision to do this from a place of love... through force and theft via taxation, because someone used their political power to force us to do what they think is good.... is robbing us of our sovereign right to grow and assist people in a way that feels balanced and good to us.
Thanks again for this, and for the links to your other articles - I'm looking forward to catching up!
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Thank you! :)
Yes it can be risky in many ways, and certainly doesn’t make you popular amongst the ‘spiritual’ community!
I don’t see the need for grounding at all, so I feel it’s an infiltration, unless someone is having issues with ‘out of body’ experiences then it might be needed.
Great you work with earth energy. I’ve never really resonated with this, but we are all different pieces of the puzzle and all needed for our unique gifts. I agree there is much dark and evil stored in earth and ley lines, sacred sites and I do work on these types of issues.
Thanks for your appreciation on the forgiveness information, it’s not always well received! A lot of programming has gone on here and I don’t feel anyone can genuinely forgive rape, torture and murder, it’s just evil and wrong. Yes so true that love, forgiveness and gratitude need to be sincere and heart felt of it’s all pretty worthless.
Love & Light / Truth is something I’ve felt for years, a missing link that most people don’t get.
The ‘Oneness’ concept has be shudder too! There is also a lot of ‘projecting of blame, guilt and karma’ going on and that is hidden in the oneness stuff too.
“I do believe we should all want to help those who need it if we can, do good in the world as much as possible, and lift people who need us up.” - I give with time and energy and feel what i can give through my energy work is more than any money I could give, so giving isn’t just money. Many cannot afford to give money, being in struggle themselves, but giving time and kindness makes a difference.
Your’e welcome! :)
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This is fascinating - I think the only one that seems a bit off is forgiveness.
I have walked many many people through different kinds of trauma and abuse, and have only found people experience freedom and a release from their internal bondage when they forgive the person.
In every situation I strongly counsel individuals to seek the perpetrator out and communicate the pain and hurt, which generally helps the perpetrator actually repent. But even when the perpetrator does not repent, I have only seen internal freedom for people when they can forgive others.
They will maintain minimal trust with the other party, however are released from their internal prison of bitterness and hurt when they forgive.
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I have worked with many people who have been raped and abused as children and have lived with this trauma hidden inside them for years. Telling them to forgive is offensive to them, whilst telling them they don't have to forgive is a huge relief and lifting of guilt for feeling they are a bad person for not being able to forgive.
People in trauma need to be supported and shown love and understanding and this huge global burden of having to forgive is too much.
If some people want to forgive and want to speak to the perpetrator and that works for them then great but the most traumatised people would go into huge panic and kill themselves rather than have to face the perpetrator again.
I have written a couple of articles on forgiveness, I've just added 'Am I a Bad Person if I Can’t Forgive Someone?" and I will add another article 'To Forgive or to Accept - What is the Difference?' later.
I guess it comes down to how traumatised a person is and what there definition of forgiveness is. I feel acceptance is a much better aim and is achievable.
Thanks for your comments, it is an issue that makes life so much worse for those already suffering.
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interesting - I have had very different experiences - thanks for sharing
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I'm sure most victims will be drawn to a healer who shares the same views. Many female rape victims will not choose to go to a male healer, far to traumatic for them.
Thanks for sharing your comments and experiences.
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totally - i would love to have this convo in person - I think maybe there are some semantic differences...
In the area of sexual abuse, I see forgiveness as more allowing yourself the freedom to release the perpatrator internally. I have found that when people are harmful to you, the experience can linger internally essentially creating an internal fear or prison that you are trapped inside until you release them.
I would never allow someone I am counseling to individuals confront a sexual predator, I would use the law.
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I think it comes down to what each person sees the word 'forgiveness' to mean. You talk about "the experience can linger internally essentially creating an internal fear or prison that you are trapped inside until you release them." I totally agree with this and my energy includes a lot of releasing emotions, hurt, trauma etc and this is essential for healing.
Many people see forgiveness as saying 'it was ok' or l'etting the perpetrator off the hook' and this causes big issues. No abuse is ok.
The main thing is that the victim is given loving, support and help with what feels right for them. I've heard healers say on calls that the person will not heal if they don't forgive, this is so wrong. No one should force their beliefs on someone else and this is what upsets me most. Healers should give, support and not dictate! I'm sure you agree because I can feel you are a loving person with integrity!
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Beautifully written. I don't share all of your views but I deeply appreciate them.
I find much of the issue comes in blindly believing these things. We hear these ideas like "Forgiveness and gratitude are key, We are all One, All is Love".
I do truly believe that we can come to a place where we understand these concepts and can integrate them, and then they go from being a belief to being truth.
However, to be integral beings, we must discover these truths for ourselves, rather than just be told them. Otherwise, we're operating with the same issues that have plagued religions for centuries.
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Thank you for your lovely comments and appreciation.
It is the mass teaching to 'blindly believe' that is my biggest issue with these topics, along with the 'one cure fixes all' mentality. New Age Mass Healing has lost any personal connection, listening and guiding on the unique information shared by the person needing support and healing.
I too believe we can create peace and better understanding, but as you say this will come through 'discovering these truths for ourselves, rather than just being told them.' Because to me it very much feels like we are 'operating with the same issues that have plagued religions for centuries'.
Love & blessings.
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Gratitude is something I see as a powerful tool. It helps me to direct my energy and my focus towards things that are beneficial to me, through giving thanks for these things. And it feels good :)
Forgiveness is another powerful tool. Through taking a look at what has happened in the past, I am able to come to forgiveness, of myself or another, so that I am no longer holding my heart away. So typically I come to forgiveness within myself, and if I see that they are at a place to discuss it and be open to what happened, then I am able to speak that forgiveness into the relationship. Although at it's root forgiveness is for me, as I don't like to keep my heart away from anyone, especially myself.
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There is a big difference between someone being in a high vibration and choosing to feel gratitude for themselves, to someone being in despair, feeling hopeless and helpless, suicidal and not being able to feel gratitude because they are just in too low vibration to connect with a high frequency of gratitude, but being told to 'Feel Gratitude' as a way to cure their life and issues.
Same with forgiveness. If people are choosing it and it helps them then great. But to say 'forgive the perpetrator' as an only option to someone dealing with huge trauma, shock, upset and grief can only be uncaring and unkind and has no healing potential at all.
My post is about healers and people NOT forcing their views and beliefs on others as a means to heal, but to be more compassionate, caring and less judgmental and controlling! What is right for people with ordinary lives is not going to work for victims of rape, gang rape, satanic rape, abuse, rituals , mind control and other torture.
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Yes, telling people to "feel gratitude" is preaching our belief at someone. Sharing our personal experience and how gratitude has been powerful for us is a different; or even better, just choosing to practice gratitude and be the reflection for others to see.
totally feel you though; and understand where your post is being directed, just wanted to look at both sides of it :)
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Thank you for your comments, there are definitely two aspects to this and those in a high vibration have no concept of the damage preaching does to those who are not. If they did then they wouldn't preach and cause so much harm to thsoe already suffering.
It is those who are suffering the most that need the most help and it just seems to me that and many others that it's just not there!
Sending Love, Light & Blessings :)
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Very interesting as usual Michelle.
I have not heard so much about this ...point of view/stand point.
I have some thoughts of my own and would like to engage with you on them but first I am interested to know how you came upon this alternative thinking to these new age beliefs?
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Thanks Arthur.
I work through feelings and connecting to universal wisdom, truth through soul connection.
I have also come across a few other Truth Speakers who are sharing this information, Mark Passio in particular talks about this topic, straight to the point and very direct!
I'd be interested to hear your thoughts.
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Nice words! Will inspiring my day
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Thank you :)
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