Secret 7 (Part 3) Weiru-Komoko.. 1600 AD (Red Indians and Ransom Defeat )

in truth •  2 years ago 


So England invaded the American continent in a brutal invasion that does not recognize human or other rights. They were killing everyone in freaking cold blood. The terrible fact that American history hides are that the Statue of Liberty was erected at the expense of the lives of millions of Amerindians. The problem faced by the white colonized Europeans is that they have signed a large agricultural fertile land that needs a very large number of manpower. They first tried instead of killing the Amerindians to enslave them.
You see hundreds of trucks loaded with Amerindian children and women. Women were more important. Because they, as well as the hard work they do on agricultural land, represented countless sexual pleasures for white masters.
Those who refuse to be enslaved were killed. History tells of the burning of villages, the annihilation of the entire population, and the poisoning of wells until the number of Indians killed reached 80% of the number of Indians. This means a staggering figure approaching the most shy of 50 million red Indians or perhaps more.
But the Earth was so wide and the Indians alone couldn't work on it. Millions of acres needed to be worked on. And here the white colonists headed to the most powerful continent in this world. Head to Africa.
Tens of millions of Negro people have been shackled in English ships and forcibly displaced to America to work there in my land. These were a very great workforce. Free. The Negro who walked to America died the most hungry or thirsty or choked from piling on each other in the hundreds or dying from the bullets of moody, invading eggs. It was humanity's biggest epic in all history. A total war of extermination on the Amerindians and a total war of enslavement on the Negroes. And so America was established... The country of freedom and wonderful democracy... The first president, George Washington, even had three slaves and a neighbor on his own farm. Not one of them was ever freed until their deaths.
Pocahontas is honest. And John Smith is the liar. In several adventures, the liar has mentioned stories from the revelation of his imagination about girls who love him and save him from death. Of course, the tale of "Pocahontas" became famous after her famous Disney film... Which tells the story from John Smith's point of view. Pocahontas' point of view would have been impossible if you had not read my book.
Bohattan doesn't write. They didn't write their history in any books. They keep it in the brains of Quiroz. They are wise men who know everything. Until two modern Red Indians came from an American citizen and decided to write the true story of Pocahontas so that they would give the right to his people. But their book, of course, has been fought. So that the beautiful glossy picture shown by Disney in her film from which she released two parts does not prevail. And you don't think the story is just told in the movie. It's even told in all the encyclopedias and world history books based solely on John Smith's point of view. The view of the Amerindians is that no one even tried to listen to it.
And you might wonder what the secret paper I showed you before this story... Eliminate paper, pyramid drawing, and eye above... This same graphic is on the US dollar. And before I tell you anything I want you to put aside everything I've read or heard about this. And listen to me very well. You may have noticed that John Smith knew some information about the Amerindians before he landed on his ship. This whole information was collected by a man called Sir Walter Raleigh, and this man is the greatest professor of a secret organization called the Pink Cross or Roscrushen. He was an explorer. On the occasion of this organization, here I show you a sheet of game cards in the Rosecration paper. With a picture of a cross decorated with floral roses. It is an organization that has branched out of the Masonic but is more of a lockdown and more secret.
Walter knew that America's land was a barrier-free land. There are no powers. It has no history. There are no doctrines. There are no barriers between who controls it and being a new society. With his thoughts, he... And his goals are... It's a chance for secret movements that won't be repeated. A chance for them to stay with them for the first time. Away from the crowds and complexities of Europe. All the undercover movements seemed to be on the most important turn in their history. Turn named America.
After the tale of John Seth and Pocahontas and the English colonies, the ripper who killed the Amerindians was killed. There are thirteen English colonies. There are rivers of Indian-Red blood underneath. And that's where the Masonry sent a guy called The Viet. It's a 33-degree man who joined the ranks of all the English colonies. The Masonic then sent one of the important Masons, Frederick Stubin. A seasoned military general. He went down to the colonies and turned their dismantled military militias into a united army. Then the American Revolution took place.
I started with what's known as the Boston Tea Party. The English government raised the tax on tea... Masonic men disguised as red Indians sneaked into a tea-load ship. They threw all the tea load on the ship at sea. The British government was angry or represented as angry and received a violent response leading to the so-called American Revolution.
The American Revolution succeeded and America gained its independence and became a great independent nation. And here I am showing you America's paper with the picture of America's flag in front of him, the Statue of Liberty playing with a ball under his foot. The Earth Ball.
It's all beautiful, but let's look at America's independence document, which forty names have signed. The first 19 names were Masons. And that's not what I'm talking about in the air. America's Constitution... Fifty-six people signed it. The first 26 names are Masons. America's first president is George Washington Masoni. All of these are officially known.
America's independence was in 1776, and exactly the same year a secret movement was established in Bavaria, Germany, called the Illuminati Organization. Its symbol is the incomplete pyramid with an eye behind its bright light. Created by a man named Adam Weizhaubet. He merged it with Masonry to become one global organization. Now let's look at a paper together.
One United States dollar. As you always know, it is the category of currency in any country that represents it. Let you out of the front face and turn it together on the back face. Do you see the pyramid and eye on the left of the word ONE? This symbol is not stuck with America anywhere near or far away. It's the symbol of elominacy.
Over the eye, you see the word Coeptis Annuit, a Latin word whose literal meaning "is.. who agreed to protect us ". Under the pyramid is Ordo Novus Seclorum, which is also a Latin word whose literal meaning is "new world order."
If you are a member of the Masonic or Elomenate you will learn a new meaning for each symbol whenever you upgrade a degree... The eye at first is the eye of God who is familiar with everything. Then it's Osiris's eye. And then you turn out to be Lucifer's eye. Lucifer runs from Adam's son in the bloodstream and is an observer of everything humans do. Then in the very advanced grades... You'll learn that this eye is another eye altogether. Ain't Antichristos. The new world order is the Antichristos system.
And the light around the eye is progressing, too. At first, it is God's light. Then he turns into the light of Jehovah. And "Jehovah" is God in ancient Judaism. It is forbidden for anyone to say this name at all because it is God's greatest name. Then he eventually turns into Lucifer's light. Because Lucifer is the bearer of light. The pyramid learns that it symbolizes the western limit of Israel's building dream "from the Nile to the Euphrates." The western limit here is the Nile. Because the old Nile was passing from the pyramid. So the pyramid is on the left of the dollar. Then you'll learn that it symbolizes Lucifer's place of evocation. The symbol on the right of the word ONE is a symbol of a bird that looks like an eagle or a falcon. Over his head are thirteen small stars with a hexagonal star. Star of David. The shape of Holiness. Solomon Structure... It is placed above the bird's head as a symbol that this six-star over the head of America and the logo of America.
Of course, whoever designed this slogan is a committee whose members are all well-known official members of the Illuminati organization, most famous of which are Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, and Thomas Jefferson. They want to unite the thoughts of the world, the fashion of the world, and the interests of the world to become all American. And they've managed this a long way. This is evident in people's fashion, the restaurants they eat at, and the songs they hear. And I'm not saying this is bad because I'm an American and I'm supposed to like this. But I'm just saying that no nation of nations has risen without its language. Take Japan as an example. These are imposing their language. Take France and Germany as another example... Did you understand my intention now?
I still can't believe that America is a Masonic nation and that I am one of the so-called "conspiracy theorists" who throw all the world's problems at it.
Okay... The celebration at which the foundation stone of the U.S. Capital Building was laid in a celebration of Masonic rituals and Masonic costumes and who ran it was the Maryland Mason Forum. They acknowledge this and do not deny it but take pride in it.
America's presidents are all Masons from the oldest to the youngest. From the first to Obama, and this is officially not an allegation of mine. All but one is John Kennedy, who, when he became aware of the existence of a hidden organization running his country. He came out in an official public address attacking the existence of secret organizations and saying that this was unacceptable and that the state should fight such organizations... He even wanted to search Israel's Damona nuclear reactor. Do you know how John Kennedy was killed after he gave the speech or do you want me to waste more time telling you?
Those who killed John Kennedy were the same ones who killed King Faisal bin Abdulaziz when he cut off the oil from America. They were the same ones who killed Sadat. I don't mean "they". I mean the same organization or affiliated organizations. All of these were men, as men should be. This category of human beings has to kill immediately in Eliminate.
When the musty Masonic smell emerged, she began to devote a very large portion of her money to charity and charitable organizations. And when I say money, I mean billions. To convince the world that they are an organization that seeks freedom and fraternity.
Many Masonic institutions in your country claim to be doing charity work and don't be fooled by it. Most notably Rotary Clubs and Lions Clubs... But wait. Not everyone I saw present at one of these clubs is Masoni. These clubs are public clubs and during their charitable work, they may occasionally use important figures as a kind of propaganda for their campaigns. And these public figures may be one of the cleanest.
The country... None of these characters know anything about the terrible truth that disappears behind those clubs or organizations. Or maybe he knows but he allows them to exploit his influence and influence only in an act of charity.
Don't be fooled either. It has already been noted that there are many grades in the Masonry and that the first three grades are as scouts to choose who works for promotion after this... And it's not until you get to the high grades that you're a bad mason. It begins to know the reality of the organization and that it is Jewish with Jewish goals. And that he himself must swear on the Torah alone.
And any brilliant man the Masonry tried to attract before joining. Then the Masonry in the first three degrees let them not track him and not hurt him. But the problem is who like me are trying to leave it after they reach very advanced degrees.
An official fatwa was issued from Azhar prohibiting the accession to the Masonry and all the following clubs such as Rotary and Lions... The Islamic World Association's jurisprudence has also issued a similar advisory opinion. They are long opinions that clearly demonstrate the true Freemasonry goals that have been revealed and prohibited from joining them on the basis of this disclosure.
Now is the time to reveal important information that I promised to reveal in my first talk with you...

Wait for the next secret ...
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