Truth Time: Marijuana

in truth โ€ขย  8 years agoย 

Truth Time!!!

What's on my mind Facebook? Cannabis. Weed. Ganja. Green.

If you know me, you know I am a lover of all things cannabis. Flower, wax, shatter, edibles, hash, keif....Yes please! ๐Ÿ˜ I think it should be legal in all 50 states. I think it should be the only prescribed medication for ADD/ADHD, Autism and Epilepsy offered to children. It should be free for veterans.

Shut up. I don't want to hear it. Know why? Because you simply have no clue what you are talking about. Cannabis is the best natural healer on the planet.

The government of the United States owns the PATENT that PROVES the medicinal value and properties of marijuana. It is truth and can not be denied.

You just spit your beer all over your screen, wiped your hands of the grease from the cheeseburger you are eating and you are ready to tell me how smoking is gonna give me lung cancer (sorry, it kills cancer cells), it's killing brain cells (wrong again, it repairs damaged brain cells), it's a gateway to hard drugs (on the contrary, it's an expressway to breaking addiction) and it robs and individual of their lives (80 pounds lost, 12 prescriptions totalling 35 pills a day no longer needed, blood pressure normal, pain decreased to tolerable, function and feeling restored in a damaged nerve, anxiety under control, very few PTSD triggers exist anymore, and 90% of OCD behaviors gone!) I'm gonna tell you your beer and cheeseburger will kill you. My cannabis isn't ever going to hurt me. I can't overdose. (Just a side note, if you would like to test that theory, buy 5 pounds of Golden Goat and meet me in Astoria.... I'll take one for the team and do my best to make it happen!)

Here it is folks. In Black and white. Take the time to read it. You may learn something.


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ย  ยท ย 8 years agoย 

Feeding your endocannabinoid system daily is essential in maintaining homeostasis. By the way, the words endocannabinoid and homeostasis are not even in most dictionaries... I wonder why ๐Ÿค”. Thanks for sharing..peace!