A healthy dose of scepticism in the face of global domination.

in truth •  4 years ago 


I didn't set out on my life's journey to be a sceptic. I did learn, at a relatively young age, that parents and other authority figures could act quite differently behind closed doors than they acted in public. The old adage of "do as I say, not as I do" was prevalent back in the day. Even at five years old, that didn't make sense to me.

So, when I left home at 18, I suppose I had a certain degree of scepticism, but I didn't doubt that there was much goodness in most people. I doubt that I would have travelled alone and had many of the experiences I have had if I thought that people were innately evil.

I still believe in the basic goodness of most people. But, along the way, I met a lot of people that have clued me up to how this world really works. And, yes, there are evil people in this world, and unfortunately, for the rest of us, they control our governments, our media, our judiciary, and just about every established system that once allowed us to feel we were safe, and had legal recourse.

I gradually learned how much we are manipulated and lied to and robbed and played and used as pawns in a much larger scheme of global domination of the many by the few. We are experiencing the final playbook of those psychopaths, who now see us as useless eaters, and wish to eliminate us, at least the majority of us, because they don't need us anymore.

Seem preposterous to you? Well, it's now or never. Time to wake up and actually think about what is happening in this world. It's not just about national politics, this is global. Your freedoms are being taken away daily, at warp speed now. Were you ever this afraid of a bad flu season before?

Think about it? Apparently, unless we start waking up, this flu season will be endless.

When nothing makes sense, time to try and make some sense out of it?

If any of this makes sense to you, you are still asleep.

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