Dangerously taking the contrary position.

in truth •  4 years ago 


Some people seem to operate from a worldview where what’s accepted as true is based less on evidence than on an assumption that the facts must be other than what “they” (scientists, journalists, intelligence officials, etc.) are telling us.

If the medical community says X, they look around for some claim contrary to X. It doesn’t matter much what the alternative claim is so long as it’s inconsistent with X.

The media, the experts, and those in power cannot be trusted. Truth is found on the narrow road. Truth is hard to find. Of course, this doesn’t mean distrusting the most-watched cable news network and shows, the most popular talk radio programs or social media posts, the books at the top of the non-fiction bestseller list, the dominant US religious movements or their leaders’ media empires, or the politicians working to make it harder to vote, using their platform to spread disinformation, and banning school mask mandates.

No, those people aren’t powerful; they’re victims who are being persecuted and censored—just check out their latest op-ed, book, TV appearance, radio interview, university commencement address, invited speech to a megachurch, Twitter take, press conference, YouTube video, etc., and they’ll explain just how deep this vast, powerful conspiracy to keep them from telling you the truth about COVID (and everything else) goes.

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There is some truth to what you say; opposition for opposition's sake is futile.

As a general rule, I'm a "contrarian" whenever the vast majority/totality of "solutions" imply more government