PROOF: Clintons TIES to Al QAEDA AND 9/11 - Ever wonder why Hillary is so PRO-ISLAM?

in truth •  6 years ago  (edited)

FOLKS, THIS IS FROM HUMA ABEDIN'S OWN FAMILIES BUSINESS: - The INSTITUTE OF MUSLIM MINORITY AFFAIRS (IMMA) where HUMA Abedin not only worked but it is also still her family's business. You can prove this to yourself from their own website - (see below) which shows that Huma Abedin's own Mother Saleha Abedin and her Brother both still WORK there and run the business as the main Board members. The INSTITUTE OF MUSLIM MINORITY AFFAIRS (IMMA)was started AND funded by Abdullah Omar Naseef who was condemned as a major contributor of support for the attacks on the World Trade Center and who is an Islamic extremist with a significant history of ties to Al Qaeda. Saleha (Huma's mother) has close ties with the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas (both terrorist organizations) and she is a vocal advocate of female circumcision, the implementation of Sharia Law in the USA and other outrageous calls for infringement on personal choice and liberty and has made these 'ideals' clear in her book.

In 1983 (four years after establishing IMMA), Abdullah Omar Naseef became secretary-general of the Muslim World League (MWL)—a fundamentalist group with links to Osama bin Laden; Naseef would retain that post for a decade. In its early years, IMMA's day-to-day operations were managed chiefly by a key MWL (Muslim World League) ally, the World Assembly of Muslim Youth, infamous for indoctrinating young Muslims in supremacist ideology and giving financial support to both: al Qaeda as well as Hamas.

Huma Abedin lived in Saudi Arabia until she was 18 and then moved to the U.S.A. where she went to Washington U and immediately became an intern for Hillary Clinton and has been her closest personal confidant up until the present day. Note the addresses of BOTH the Muslim World League and the IMMA which is exactly the SAME ADDRESS!!

Huma Abedin herself worked for the Institute from 1996-2008; she spent the last six of those years (2002-2008) as a member of the IMMA editorial board while Huma's brother, Hassan Abedin, who ALSO has ties to the Muslim Brotherhood currently serves as an associate editor at IMMA.

Journalist Andrew C. McCarthy summarized the the GOALS and purpose of the INNOCUOUS SOUNDING Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs as follows:

[ It's not as benign as the NAME would have you believe! ]

The Saudi-constructed, Brotherhood-conducted Islamist infrastructure in the West is on a mission—the 'Muslim Minority Affairs' mission. It seeks to grow an un-assimilated, aggressive population of Islamic supremacists, who will gradually but dramatically alter the character of the West. Their goal [which they have published and outlined - literally!] is incrementally to infiltrate sharia principles into U.S. law, and public policy. Taking direct aim at free expression, because free expression enables examination and negative criticism of Islamist ideology. They also take aim at our economic system, since sharia regards capitalism as a bane of human existence—there is a reason why the Brotherhood’s American operatives make common cause with the Left on everything from socialized medicine to finance regulation to gun control to surveillance law

The INSTITUTE OF MUSLIM MINORITY AFFAIRS (IMMA)was started AND funded by Abdullah Omar Naseef who was condemned as a major contributor of support for the attacks on the World Trade Center. He also had close ties to Osama Bin Laden.

[quote] "...Abdullah Omar Naseef, for his part, served on the IMMA board of directors until December 2003, at which time he suddenly left the organization. His departure occurred at a time when the United Nations, the United States, and a number of other countries were openly declaring that various charities affiliated with Naseef’s MWL were in fact illegal terrorism fronts. In 2004, moreover, Naseef was named as a defendant in a multi-trillion-dollar civil lawsuit filed by the surviving relatives of many victims who had died in the 9/11 al Qaeda attacks.

NOTE: SALEHA MAHMOOD (Huma Abedin's mother) and HASSAN ABEDIN (her brother) - run this business:


WOW. And it sounds so uhh "Human Rightsy" and all Intellectual and Feel "goody"...
Well that's exactly WHY they NAME things this way.

And Below notice that Abdullah Omar Naseef's resume' sounds so nice - that is... until you read the very last line where it says he is associated not only with The Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas but also Al Qaeda!!!!!!!!!

OmarNaseef-andHumaAbadeen Connection.JPG

... and then there is the 9/11 association!! Well that's NOT a big deal ... right??
SO why the FUCK is Hillary hanging with these people? I think the answer should be obvious...
and after all:




HumaAbadin-hmmmnotice anything STRANGE- same address for abedin family business as Muslim world league.JPG



WOW. I think a few pictures FROM THEIR OWN WEBSITES says several thousand words.

Here's a video which sums it all up:


base64 code / decode/encode:

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