Max Igan - Surviving the Matrix - Episode 316 - American Voice Radio, December 08th, 2017 -

in truth •  7 years ago  (edited)

Max Igan - Surviving the Matrix - Episode 316 - American Voice Radio, December 08th, 2017 -

Wow... I'm actually a huge fan of Max Igan... but he... like that Zang woman... just need to STOP talking about crypto currencies and blockchain technology... at least til they gain some level of understanding of their diverse and very different natures... they both interchange bitcoin,crypto currencies and blockchain as if it were one thing... that can be taken control of completely... it's like they don't understand that blockchain... is the underlying tech... like a railway... the coins , currencies and smart contracts... ride on it like trains... public access, opensource and decentralized ones ride on the track... as do and will (as long as they last anyway) private access, closed source and centralized ones... ride on that same track...this... is what they are missing... that ANYTHING can ride the rails of blockchain... what it can not be used for... is to take away the already existing open source P2P trading network the people have built... like the proverbial genie... it is out of the bottle and not going back... this makes centralized technologies of any kind... totally redundant and of no value to anyone... and therefore... they can not be forced into existence and usage... because a alternative that makes them look like the chains of slavery they are...and now... everyone can see that and so... the USED TO BE powers that be,...can make whatever coins and contracts they want... they can no longer FORCE ANYONE to use them... and that is why BITCOIN and other open source, decentralized crypto currencies... are the single best tool to gain freedom for all of humanity from under the reserve bank debt slavery racket ... because they can not be manipulated, monopolized on nor controlled...

as long as we the people are wise and stay away from ALL government issued or private block chain driven or centralized crypto currencies... and stick to satoshi's vision of a trust less open source public trading platform and medium... the powers that were... and their crypto reserve bank style tokens... will QUICKLY ... go the way of the dinosaur... and THAT... is of benefit to EVERYONE.

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