Why I Don't Give A Fuck About "Bad" Language

in truth •  8 years ago  (edited)

There's a lot of victims in the world. People who have gone through, are going through, or will go through some seriously awful shit. But if someone is a victim by choice, should we really feel any sympathy for them? I think not, as it only reinforces their behaviour and solidifies that victim mind-set.

When it comes to this subject, the only victims who are created as a direct consequence of anyone else's use of bad language, are people who make the conscious choice to be a victim.

If I call you a cunt, even if I intend to cause you offence, the choice is still yours whether to decide to be offended. This very simple understanding is something that has become difficult to comprehend within today's society, because it has become the norm for people to determine their self-worth based on the opinion of others.

Now, I would postulate that this was no accident. Insecurity is the greatest motivator for one to be a very good consumer, and so as long as we do value ourselves on the opinions of others, we will always want to buy more things and change who we are in order to increase our value through the eyes of our peers. But, if one holds their self to no standards other than their own, then the words of others who would seek to offend become a complete irrelevance.

We hear that one of the main reasons not to swear, is because kids might hear you. But, why does that matter if a child hears a word? What victim is created here? I see none. All you have done is broadened a child's vocabulary, which is arguably a good thing.

Swear words are only "bad" because we have for some reason decided that they are. So, a child using a ton of words that we think are bad, is only a bad thing because we have attributed negativity to something that we did not have to.

The irony in this is hard to ignore too. We can listen to a song on the radio that teaches little girls to twerk, little boys to see girls as toys, teaches that money is the most important thing in the world and you cannot be happy without etc.. A lot of mainstream songs nowadays contain all of these fucked up ideologies and a ton more. Now these are seriously corrupting things that can and do lead to real victims and widespread misery, yet we censor the word "arse" and think that we are saving our children from being corrupted?

This to me is fucking silly. Would you rather have someone say to your daughter, "You are fucking amazing. You can achieve anything you put your mind to," or, "you are ugly so you should put on make up otherwise you're worth nothing to society?"

The first one has what we refer to as a "bad word" in it. Yet, which one would truly do harm to the child and their psyche?

The simple fact of the matter is that words are words. It is completely unproductive and illogical to brand some of them as villains for no reason other than we get to complain about them being used. There is no intrinsic malice contained within the word fuck. No more than there is contained within the word damn, at least. But, one could cut another human deeply using a sentence composed of entirely "good" words. So perhaps we should call all of them bad words, or none of them at all.


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Back when I worked at a downtown hotel, I learned a few choice swear words of Polish from a coworker. Sadly, I have yet to find a situation where they'd come in handy.

Lol. I am going to butcher this spelling no doubt, but does one of them sound like.. "Coorova Yaebanna" or "Cooravamaj"?

Never learned how to write any of them, but I learned a few Polish swear words when I was in my late teens/early twenties, and I still use the ones I failed to spell pretty often. I think they sound better than a lot of English swear words. More expressive, with a roll of the tongue in there.

Sounds about right, that first word means something like whore or slut. Never learned how to spell in Polish either.

I've always been fascinated by how certain words have more power than others, which is why I started cussing like a sailor at eight years old.

Yes, and racial slurs is another thing. People just offer other people the power to offend them, and then complain when they get offended. Just don't let a word hurt you and no one will say any racist words ever again, because their power will be revoked.

I hear you man. I'm getting fucking tired of people being offended & telling me about it.
Fuck off somewhere else and be offended. Cunt ;-)

Hahha. Wish I could upvote this twice.

Taken care of :)

I am shocked and appalled by your title good sir!!!



who cares about what others thinks

A caring person cares.
But you should not let a idiot/fool/dumbass lower your sense of self worth because of their poor verbiage and communication skills.

I was answering what he said literally. Because I do care a lot about what people think. For example, how people think effects my ability to communicate effectively with other people, my ability to discern their motivations and how they will effect me, and my environment as a whole. But, what he meant to say, and what I should have just answered instead of being a dick, was that we shouldn't allow what others think of us to effect how we think of ourselves.

I agree with this sentiment entirely. it is absurd to even consider letting society dictate your opinion of yourself, because society in today's world looks like a Salvador Dali/Pablo Picasso/Brian M. Viveros collaboration. The shit is fucked up, and so its standards can no longer be used as a suitable guideline for how anything should be.

I care a lot about what others think.

" bad" is mere an adjective I'd say. I swear a lot and people here seems to be too stupid to comprehend. Also, given two choices of example above, it's all the matter from the recipients. I'd prefer telling kids " You're doing fucking amazing!" rather than " well, get yourself some plastic surgery!"

I think we all would! However, most are too blind to see that we have already chosen the other one by our lack objection to the current state of society, and therefore, our presumed consent.

couldn't agree more! oh well I am expecting to see some more of youtube video from you, the fish one was hilarious !

I was pretty rude to you on that video, though I am not sure if you even realised. Your comment seemed entirely out of context at the time and also, pretty fucked up to be honest, so I responded sarcastically.

My apologies for that.

excuse my sarcastic ass ! I don't think that was even rude, it was something I've often talked about with friends and something I would laugh on to! . It was well I get the follow and follow thingy and I was being sarcastic too when I said they're good fishes to fry :D

On a second viewing I began to suspect this could have been the case. Hence my apology. Lol. But yeah, next time I shall read twice before being a dick.

no hurt feelings bro! I like your humor. lol

I've never really understood this either. To me, we should be teaching our kids to not be so easily influenced by the opinions of others and realize that words are words, take it with a grain of salt. What's even stranger is people that are offended by certain swear words of the same merit. Some people refuse to say cunt, but dick is perfectly fine.

Yes, that is interesting. You shouldn't say that too loud though, or some "feminists" will turn up to claim that the discrimination against the word cunt is actually sexist. Lol

I consider myself a feminist in the true sense of the word, which is gender equality. That means men's rights as well as women's. That means if I call him a dick, he can call me a cunt lol.

This was probably why I got kicked out of the feminists forum.

I had actually written feminist but decided to go back and add the quotations marks. Because, if we talk about feminism how it started, that was about equal rights as far as i can tell. Today's iteration of feminism is something entirely different, and it doesn't surprise me at all that someone who also cared about men's rights would be shunned from a modern-feminist community.

Though, you do say "probably," which does suggest that maybe it was for another reason. Were you calling people cunts? Lol.

Trust me I get that. I see people as people, I just want everyone to get along.

Haha no but that would have been a funny story.

You should go back under a new handle and do it, and document the responses. Ha. Choose a male name too, as they'll hate that even more(which again is counter to claims on equality).

I want everyone to get along too. Most of my writing is about this very issue. But, I do still find misplaced anger to be one of the funniest things in existence, so it is really hard for me not to intentionally wind someone up who I know is easily wound up. I feel it can be a lesson for them if done correctly..

Do you want to get married? Haha. Just kidding. I am really loving your posts though. You tell it like it is and I appreciate that. The time for sugar coating things with people is over. I mean, they are trying to make college campuses safe spaces where only certain words can be used. Yet they neglect the fact that college itself is designed to turn human beings into good little worker drone debt slaves. Man, humanity is fast becoming a bunch of domesticated pussies. I don't know how much more of this shit I can handle. We live in an insane asylum.

Liess. It was not a joke. It's okay. I am very marriable, so I understand. Lol.

Yes, I'm with you on this. I used to be more tolerant to people's sensitive natures, but at some point you have to realise that there isn't going to be any meaningful change in the world until we have enough adults in the world to make a change. Unfortunately we have very many adults in the world in comparison to the amount of children we have living in adult's bodies.

What was that nursery rhyme... Sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me.. or something like that.

Is this not something people are taught anymore? Seems a lot of people could benefit from an understanding of the lesson contained therein.

Okay, fine, let's get married. I know we'd have great conversations at least.

Yes, I often say we live in a world of infants. I feel like a parent to nearly every person I know.

Yes, you are right about the nursery rhyme. That's how it goes. We used to say it to each other as kids, along with "I am rubber and you're glue. Everything you say bounces off me and sticks to you."

Yes, a lot of this has to do with people's subjective morals and the need to make others follow their bullshit. I say FUCK em all lol


one of my favourites. Fuck em

It's very difficult to insult a Dublin cunt. Swear words are practically terms of endearment here.

Lol. Very much like that across the water in Scotland too.

"I fucking love you cunts!"

LoL SoS offending cunty cunts with his cuntish vocabulary of cuntitude. Cuntacular!

Lol. Another normal day then..

Shit man, there are just too many pussy sjw's in the world who are butthurt at the sound of a politically incorrect word. Fuck them.

Now this is an article I feel like saying Amen too, haha.

Reminds me of the Curse words, well aren't all words curses. we learn to "spell" before we are even old enough to ask why, my opinion I would love to see parents not teach there kids anything infact learn from the children. thats what we need to do to change things dont teach children anything and re learn everything from them. just my opinion. could it be done? Peace and Love people. @airmobile upvote and follow or don't...

I do think the language utlised for these words is incredibly interesting.

This is a profound idea you have just shared. I would be very intrigued to see how such an experiment would turn out.

And while I do appreciate your message and very much enjoy the content of it, your closing sentence has just ensured that I do not upvote this comment even though I would have. You ruined it, dude.

Great post once again! You have a point there. Nowadays, swear words are used as adverbs, interjections etc... We have a wide and colorful variety of swear words here in Quebec. Maybe you've heard some...

Oh most definitely. Fuck has to be the most versatile word in existence. If you expect me to sacrifice this word from my vocabulary to appease the sensitive natures of others.. then you're a cunt!


Also, could be wrong here, but, would that be French then?

Fuck is a fucking great word. Lol. We weave it nicely in french verse :
Christ d'osti de fucking tabarnak qu'on aime ça sacrer. Fuck les calisse de sacrament de sales qui fucking chialent la dessus!

Well now I have even more admiration for the word fuck. Its versatility extends to naturally being used in languages that aren't even English. Who could hate on such a social butterfly? Lol.

🤔 social butterfly I don't know,
more like socialy acceptable hermit ✌🏻️

Yep, we get all bent out of shape and upset because of a few words.
While simultaneously ignoring the bad (almost evil) programming in songs... because it has a good beat. (and I don't really listen to the words... but your subconscious does!)

Anyway, if you normally don't use swear words, and then you suddenly start, your friends no something is up. Unfortunately with potty mouths everywhere today, that subtle (or not so) indicator that someone has crossed a line is no longer there.

Exactly...I really don't give a rats ass about what others think...if they don't like how I talk or which words I use...they can listen somewhere else...

The old fashioned idea that by using " swear words" you are showing a lack of knowledge
There are far better discriptive words that the " hard" ones . As I learned as a kid being on the receiving end of some telling offs, there was never a "rude" word used, nbut I knew exactly what was ment.
Upgrade English!

Bad language does not demonstrate a lack of knowledge. Bad language can be interpreted ignorantly as a lack of knowledge, by some people. I received some serious, and well deserved telling offs too.

There was plenty bad language, and I under exactly what was meant.So clearly both are effective means of communicating.

Way back in college, my "sarcastic" teacher explained to the whole class how the word "FUCK" came into existence.
He said " there once live a wicked king and Fornication in his village was punishable by death unless permission is seeked from the king. The king had a plague with the inscription F.U.C.K. which stands for
F- fornicating
U- under the
C-concern of the
Anyone who wish to fornicate had to hang this plague obtained from the king on his door. This act neutralise any form of punishment associated with fornication"
Funny isnt it?