My red pill moment was when I started to question 9/11. From there the rabbit hole got deeper, more disturbing, and the truth is stranger than fiction.
If people knew the truth of the government they wouldn’t be pushing so hard for gun reform.
If I still lived in the states, I would be buying a gun. Yup! I would. That’s a big statement for me to make considering I do not support war nor could I ever take the life of another human.
However, our government is tyrannical. They are a bunch of shape shifting crazies that have many under their spell.
Most Americans have no idea what is happening right in front of them and how badly they are being played. When all of our rights are stripped, they will be going to the gun owners to help save them. When 1/3 of Congress are pedophiles do you really think they care about the safety of our children?
This post may tick many off but I’m just a messenger who is tired of seeing many perish to the brainwashing ways of the media, propaganda, and corruption. It’s us vs. them (deep state) not us vs. us.
Also, I can’t help but think why this is the NRA’s fault when there are so many broken children who are doped up on horrific brain altering meds. Maybe instead of pointing the finger at another source we should start looking at how our children are being raised and how psychotropic drugs played a role in all mass shootings. Let not discuss that, though.
We live in an overly traumatized society and the healing of humanity starts in our homes, under our roof. Happy, healthy, well loved children don’t shoot others. It’s that simple.
Watch what happens when you ASK the government to take away your rights. That didn’t work out so well for the 6 million Jews who perished. Our government will do anything including staging events to make the people demand their rights to be stripped. Ie (9/11, Sandy Hook) They cause the problem and offer the solution that the American people just swallow up not knowing it’s yet ANOTHER right being stripped way.
Do you think shows like Handmaids Tale and Colony are all made up? No, this is the foretelling of the future for America. It’s already happening but many are distracted and fighting one another when the enemy are the people Americans are asking to save them.
The truth does not change according to our ability to stomach it. Govern= control ment=mind.
If we want to save our children let’s stop circumcising our boys, vaccinating our kids, aborting babies, and stopping the deep state from ritualistically murdering children.
End rant.