“The Push” to brainwash our society

in truth •  7 years ago 

I recently watched THE PUSH, a special on Netflix about convincing someone to commit a murder. This was a real life experiment where mentalist Derren Brown set up a series of events to convince someone to go completely against their morals and comply to social conditioning. The planning and the intricate attention to detail to make this experiment come to fruition is a perfect example on how easily we can be programmed to comply and conform and continue to repeat what we have been programmed to believe.

Back in the 1950s, the CIA conducted a program named Operation Mockingbird, which attempted to manipulate news media for propaganda purposes. It funded student and cultural organizations and magazines as front organizations.

Think about this… there’s a reason they call it a “tell-a-vision” program. TV shows, magazines, news, and our education system tell us what to believe, wear, eat, what is socially acceptable, and disempowers us to question and think for ourselves.

Being an avid researcher on how trauma effects the brain, I’ve found the more traumatized a society is, the easier it is to get them to comply. Trauma is an epidemic where our first traumatic experience is our birth.

This sadly creates a broken society that is just repeating what they are told and not taking the time to critically think for themselves. This is how we have lost our connection to others, our planet, and most importantly, ourselves.

Dig deep and dissect why you believe what you believe in all areas of your life. I’m sure you will find there will be many beliefs that have been imparted on you by outside sources.

We are living in an age where information is abundant and ignorance is rampant. The truth is being suppressed, and morals have been swept aside. However, this is an uber exciting time because more are awakening to the systems that bind us and putting the puzzle pieces together of the lies we’ve been told.

To know the truth is stranger than fiction but knowing this from the start helps when we are going down the rabbit hole. Cognitive dissonance can be traumatizing when we unveil certain truths. I found no matter how uncomfortable the truth may be, it doesn’t change to satisfy our ignorance.

Let’s stop repeating what we are told and take back our power.

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