I Want No Place In This Man-Made Stream Of Manipulation

in truth •  7 years ago  (edited)


I Chose to live away from Mainstream society. My life flows very well, away from all the bombardment of advertising and opinions of how we should live our lives. I want no place in this man made stream of manipulation, I like to choose how I spend my time and live my life. But sometimes curiosity gets the better of me. Especially now I am back In Ireland, I have picked up the odd paper and magazine, wondering what is being discussed, what way this world thinks.

One article in a magazine grabbed my attention, it was talking about how women deal with life when they are experiencing their moon cycle, or period as it was labelled in this magazine. This female writer began by saying how the beginning of her cycle feels like a nuclear bomb is going off inside of her. And from there it only got worst, as obviously women's periods are such a huge negative pain in the backside. Well as you can imagine, this total bullshit got me very upset. This is our bodies she is talking about, the fact that our bodies are able to create and hold life, grow life is being shamed in such a huge way.This is so derogative and so harmful, are we still at this stage, have we not got past this.

How much longer are girls and women going to continue to see their cycle as a curse. It is not a curse, it is a gift. Our bodies are giving us the opportunity to cleanse themselves, it is an opportunity every month to take time to sit with ourselves and release everything that has build up inside of us. Sweat Lodges were used by men in order to experience the same thing.When you ignore your body telling you to take that time, you experience pain, and as you continue to ignore and hold everything in that pain intensives. Please listen to your amazing body, it is trying to reach out to you, to teach you. Start to see it for what it really is, A blessing and let your life become transformed.


The following poem was inspired by my anger at the above and also about all the lies that we are being fed in order to dis empower us, yet it is our choice whether we give those lies, those words power. Remember we always have a choice.

This feeling of disgust I have
When I read your words,
Your totally ignorance,
of what you behold,
Is this really how far we have come
is this really the way
you wish to represent something so sacred
so that you will be seen to obey.

This wish to try to mold and bend others,
to your will,
how you always insist
in creeping in
with your ideas
on how this world should be run,
how all who exist here must
become undone.

But I won't stop to take a breath
I will keeping moving and find their root,
I will expose these lies
before they start to branch out and make shoots,
I know what I hold inside
inside the core of my being
where nothing can hide
where all is about freeing.

So come try to drown me,
with all your forceful ideas of what you think I need to know,
Don't hold back now,
because you won't knock me I will continue to grow,
I choose what words to listen to
I choose what I let in
Your manipulation may work on others
But I let it wash over me and spin,
into oblivion away from my web,
Your words don't hold any power
when I refuse to let them build thread.

8 Pillars of TribeSteemUp


Big Big Thank You To @byn for designing my logo.

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Very nice poem @trucklife-family. I can certainly feel your emotion in the background. I wonder why it's so difficult to not allow other's thoughts and feelings to become our own. Why do we believe what they say?

Beautiful empathy, ...a terrible burden of love.

I've found I have to work each moment carefully in order to not allow another's mind to invade my own. Still the buggers get in! Lol,

I am slowly learning to be fascinated rather than disturbed. The infinite reality that is constantly unfolding. Each individual is entirely unique throughout infinity. How incredibly fascinating.

Oh There is beauty in it still.


Oh I am always working on that, it is very fascinating how our brains work and how certain words seem to worm there way in, words that we give power too, then we have to work extra hard to get them out.
How unique we all are, how wonderfully different, yet so many wanting to be in a herd, afraid to be an individual and stand on their own two feet.
It starts at a young age, all this take of listening to others, trusting others, turning to others for the answers. Yet we have so much knowledge within, we can navigate our way very well. This insistence that we need to be taught and are not capable to learn on our own, but we are so capable we just need to remember.
Thanks @steemer-x for your wonderful feedback and for sharing your wisdom xxx

nice one! nothin' is sacred any more under capitalism ;-( It is a holy time for women but many are so brainwashed and full of toxins that it ends up looking quite the opposite... <3

yes indeed @eco-alex, thank you as always for sharing your wisdom and support xx

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Beautiful poem! As I've said in several articles, our bodies are incredibly intelligent (literally!), and they (unlike most of us) are not fooled by the media and all their utter bullshit. One should trust one's body, it knows exactly what it's doing. And if the moon cycle is particularly difficult, understand that the amazingly intelligent body is trying like mad to send an alert that it's really time to start thinking about effective, natural toxin removal, chiefly by changing to a diet we were designed to have. This applies to all physical (and emotional!) discomforts.

Please forgive if this comes off to anyone as preachy, it's just such a huge part of my ongoing message. I'm no trained physician and I'm no better or smarter than anyone else, but I sure do know what resonates within me, plus my wife and I are seeing incredible results through practicing what I'm learning. OK yes, I AM being preachy, I'm sorry. But it's out of love for ALL.

Bottom line, I couldn't agree more with your entire post. I hope you can avoid getting too angry too often at that sort of article; so many authors of this bullshit are good peeps who are just hopelessly poisoned and programmed themselves.

Love and healing to you and yours,

Preach away Logan, it needs to be heard and I am very happy to hear this. I don't usually read those type of things so it doesn't happen often, and I do know that they have been poisoned.
Thanks Logan