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Well you just lost one.

Uhhh LOL .. FUCK YOU! :0)

Fuck you, fuck the alt right (your leader is gay btw, so who you calling "faggot"?), fuck all the conspiracy malcontents, many of whom would count themselves among the "alt-right" - MISERABLE UNEDUCATED LOSERS ALL!

Time for ALL-OUT-WAR on you ALT-RIGHT SHITBAGS and CONSPIRACY JAGOFFS - same difference - enough of this too heavily abused free speech bullshit! You clueless fools are making the NORMAL STEEMians look very very bad.

Humanity is just fine, relatively-speaking, YOU wake up, how about THAT instead!? Save yourself from yourself.

haha! LOL! Go eat your hate like the poop you poop.

Young'in- forget about being press guy for the alt-right clown show, go back to school instead and learn about the world, get some life experience, because right now you ain't got shit to say that is of any worth to anyone, least of all yourself.

Wait, did you have a seize event in your instructions from your handler or you simply following orders? Or better yet, did you (who the fuck are you, besides a intel op by some shadowy utterly incompetent mil op) just show us your "ancient dinosaur age" as a merit badge so you can authorize all the advice about live and life that you were going to vomit through your keyboard, and mid way you want to equate "learn about the world" with going to school and getting some life experience is thrown afterwards as a nugget of pure truth and concluding what another person's words are worth? So many questions.


LOL. Yes... you must go with your Soros paychecks and kill innocent people... NEVER heard that before!!!

You don't suffer from categorizing almost everybody under one "ilk" and decrying them to hopeless to live, much, because they are making "regulars" (thank you for the polarization, who are you again?) "look bad".
PS, did you just claim that humanity is just fine? Who are you again, besides someone who knocks "conspiracy theorist" and "malcontents" and "alt-rights"?

There is mafias in every society ...including the global society 😏
