The One-World Religion Isn't Coming - It's Long Here | Pt. 2

in truthseeking •  7 years ago 

The compass for uncovering seldomly-mentioned anomalies

Really what I will teach my kid one day is the idea that "wherever everyone agrees, there is always something major to be uncovered". It might sound so painfully simple that I can already feel some people getting offended by this statement.

"Don't you have trust in your fellow man?" - Of course I do.

But I have even more trust in my own discernment, experiences and experiments; into the basic naiveté of most members of the human family and their well-meaning attitude in trusting those who claim to be our rightful leaders and intellectual idols... that I know we have been had. Sad but true ;(

We all mean well, but for most of us our worldview has direct ramifications on our image of ourselves, our achievements in life and what we think this place ("Earth") actually is.

A true scientist is able to research an idea for 40 years only to eventually come forward and say: "I have just discovered I have been barking up the wrong tree for most of my life. We need new ideas. I was wrong."

Most "scientists" however feel like they can't afford to do so because their livelihood and that of their families depend on their quiet consent to the authority-sanctioned package of what reality is.

This of course goes much further than "just" science. It's the same in any other industry today. "The program" is everywhere.


Journalism, politics, health, philosophy, basic attitudes about one's own life and the universe have long been made uniform, with an ever-growing relentless media machine pushing these concepts so thoroughly that we have forgotten that these ideas were not originally our own when we were kids playing out in nature with friends.

Everything has been explained away by the powers that be and their willing accomplices so that for any reasonable doubt or criticism against what others hold to be "certain" - explanations are readily offered, regardless of whether they carry any logical merit at all. Herd mentality.

I am not singling myself out either. After busting through half a dozen major paradigms in the last decade I am fairly confident that I have already made some "new false concepts" my own. I can only try my best to constantly check my paradigms when I find new radical information, and frankly I'd like to think I have gotten fairly adept at dropping everything I thought I knew in order to reconsider.

I guess what I am saying is that the best guarantee to staying committed to the truth of things is to be willing to disagree with the herd if one is not convinced by their arguments.

There really are no stupid questions, just stupid followers.

If you wish to get a nasty, down-to-Earth preview of where a society can go that has blindly accepted any and every official narrative as gospel truth instead of their own discernment, allow me to remind you of the importance of Orwell's 1984 and consider listening to the audiobook if you haven't already done so. It really is the best school I know of to learn how to discern between your own understanding and the hugely manipulative public agenda of explaning away the mysteries of life from the standpoint of cold and calculated propaganda for nefarious aims like the ultimate mind-control narrative most people think is "objective fact".

How "1984" Will Save You Years of Research | An (Audio)book Recommendation


Will you give me anything concrete please?

I would love to, but it's not my place. At least not yet.

As time goes on and we explore other less pressing aspects of life we will undoubtedly get back to this point and I will gladly share the myriad of concrete cases that most people in our culture have never considered and that most of my former friends from school would label me for as "insane" ;)

Also it is essential to discover things for oneself. Even if there was a guy who could truthfully answer any and all your questions, it would just not carry the same weight as discovering the marvellous oddities of reality for yourself. I am simply here to tell you: There are oddities!!

This life is magical, it is unspeakably mindblowing and nothing of our culturally accepted narratives comes even close to how far out reality actually seems to be compared to what we assumed it to be.

In explaining away all the reasons that directly point to life on Earth being marvellously mindblowing, the one-world-religion has already effectively cut us off from ourselves, from the ground of being and from our true power.

And so, in the end noone is to blame for it. It is only our own naieveté that is to blame for our human predicaments and our gullibility in believing some self-appointed authorities in explaining to us what life and reality allegedly are. And we believed all of it.

Reality goes way farther than what science fiction has ever showcased. As it has been claimed: "Reality is stranger than fiction." Since much of my work on Steemit deals with these sorts of insights and discoveries, you could see if any of my past posts already contains a red thread you feel compelled to follow up on. I have been sharing increasingly explosive notions and will continue to do so as 2018 comes to a close.

Anybody who calls you a heretic for asking questions is a true dogmatist (regardless of what label they prefer), and this behavior isn't solely reserved for - say - devout christians. Fanaticism and the stifling of inquiry are ample signs that you have just successfully stumbled upon one aspect of said one-world religion that most people don't ever consider to be worth testing for validity.

There's a lot to be found if you dare to look, it's everywhere around us and can't avoid examination forever. But until we find a red thread somewhere, it can seem utterly futile and pointless to even look for a starting point to unravel the curtain.

However, once you do start inquiring it is so much so worth the discomfort of no longer pretending to know what the truth is... that it is liberating beyond comprehension and will have been totally worth the effort of digging deeper than most ever have, and to endure their well-meaning attempts to preserve their ficticious reality assumptions by shunning you for your willingness to stay true to your own understanding <3


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Reality is much more interesting & stranger than fiction, & fiction has an interesting way of predicting & or engineering reality.

And it's hilarious so many still think it's just a cool outlandish saying.
We really need to talk on discord one of these days ;) much love <3

Ya, would be a good conversation for sure. Send me a link 👍

"Anybody who calls you a heretic for asking questions is a true dogmatist (regardless of what label they prefer), and this behavior isn't solely reserved for - say - devout christians."

Agreed. Some people get like that for everything, even to the point of being absurd sometimes. I see it a lot in politics but it can even affect that is absolutely meaningless until you are left with the adult equivalent to a bunch of children arguing about which superhero would win in a fight lol.

I missed your sharp mind.
Ever since the political program of the frankfurt school, discussing any and everything to the point of absurdity has become welcomed and regarded as virtuous by the useful idiots who believe fairytales when they come dressed up as "highly intellectual" explanations.
Those "discussions" and their value can be spotted from a mile away if one has gone through that stage already. Everybody means so well, but often that makes them tools in a larger agenda they deem to be preposterous to name and call out for what it is

Thank you.

"Everybody means so well, but often that makes them tools [...]."

I agree with that. It is easy to get mad at people who are caught in their beliefs but I try to remember that they think that they are doing the "right thing".