RE: IMR Infant Mortality Rate

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IMR Infant Mortality Rate

in truthtrain •  6 years ago 

By chef Todd
Dr Google PhD

Crazy deadly disease spreading rampant!

Big epidemic! The worst ever!

Breakouts everywhere!

No known cause or cure!

Benign microbes everywhere.

Symptoms include a Crazy Rash and fever!

If you can't get the fever down right away take glutathione depleting Tylenol!

Don't check for MTHFR Gene mutation it will not make your kid More susceptible to illness.
Trust me!

Be sure to watch the news for more information.
Contact the CDC if you have any further questions.

Drink plenty of fluoridated tap water.

Make sure you are up to date on all your vaccines.
Don't worry about them being contaminated we only found mycoplasma.

The vaccines are effective ! Haven't you noticed we rank 34th in IMR.

Combine them if you have to and don't worry about the synergistic toxic effects, they are safe trust me I'm a doctor. I went to medical school and got a license to practice medicine.

Stay away from unvaccinated people.
They are all mysteriously sick.

Don't worry about allergies I can sell you an Epi pen.

Herd all your vaccinated buddies together.

Do not take any vitamins or minerals they are not FDA Approved.

Don't eat tuna either there will be enough mercury in your flu shot !

Ask your pediatrician for any further nutritional advice you may have concerns with.

Don't worry everything is safe and it is like a 1 in a million chance anything can go wrong and if something does go wrong you are shit out of luck because I'm not held liable and my drug buddies not accountable and good luck in court they don't like to lose !

If you die it's just a coincidence.

If it's vaccine induced scurvy I will just blame you for SBS.

The biggest epidemic

Your ignorance is their power

Are you up to date on all your toxic filthy contaminated vaccines made in a laboratory somewhere in china?
NO BUT I Am up to date on ALL Your Lies!
False claims!
Trade secrets!
Con game!

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