Tsu Shut Down - Tsu closes it's doors to 5 million members

in tsu •  8 years ago 


im very sad to report that tsu has shut down, my sources tell me that it was as simple as a funding issue.... you can read more here Tsu Shut Down

Tsu was the vision of Sebastian Sobczak, a social site that rewarded members for their content creation and returning daily rewards as fair value for the views that their original content produce. Tsu gave away 90% of the sites advertising revenue to members, that was $9 out of every $10. But on Aug 3 Sebastian to the sad step to take Tsu black and close the site. The social experiment had failed.


Tsu was a big chance to change how we work on social media but big mistakes were made during it's implementation. Tsu was a small network with 5 million or so members and when your so small you can see the decisions made and how they affect the platform as a whole and what we saw was the creation of a two tier system that benefited friends and those that were deemed to be able to add something to more to Tsu. The reality was these friends offered very little for the massive benefits they received and instead just leeched off the sites revenues. The foundation was being damaged and the early adopters who had given Tsu the early optimism that they deserved at the start of this experiment quit or became inactive and the Alexa rank started to slide. The damage was further compounded when groups were introduced.

The monetized beta group phase was rolled out to so called "friends" who handed groups over to their friends some of which had just joined and had less than 50 followers. These were not the early adopters being rewarded thee were inexperienced members who quickly left as the Alexa slipped further. The introduction on 3.0, a huge update and redesign of the platform changed the look and feel for Tsu but again it only really benefited the chosen few, and that is why Tsu failed.

Somewhere along the line the real members, the workers were forgotten, promises were made to new members and advantages given to them but these guys were not on Tsu for Tsu they were there just for what they could get. My sources tell me that investors pulled the financial lifeline to Tsu and Sebastian closed Tsu.
Sebastians vision to make social media much fairer was genius the decisions that came later were not so visionary.

tsu goes black

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Hey, another Tsu refugee on Steemit! I was pretty depressed when Tsu shut down. It still had a lot of potential, but it seems it was not growing fast enough for the investors. The team could have done more to address that. Ah well, life goes on. I'm now getting into Steemit. I like that it's an open platform. I think there will be some cool developments here.

TSU will live forever as a 'great step forward' in the idea of social networks that reward the users; The idea that Steemit is onto right now, which is yet another step forward - being powered by it's own cryptocurrency. #ExcitingTimes

Another Tsu user! I was on for a good chunk of time, but began souring on it not too long after, because so many of the posts that were shared and commented on (and thus generated $) were just pictures, or fluff posts with no real content. Oh, and when the "big" first check was sent and publicized by Kevin Hinkle...and was a handwritten check from Sebastian, I knew it wouldn't be long.