The Tube Mastery and Monetization Course by Matt Par in 2022

in tube •  3 years ago 

What is tube mastery and monetization?

Tube Mastery and Monetization is the process of earning a living from YouTube through one's videos. Tube mastery can be achieved by using many different techniques, but they all have to do with building an audience on YouTube either through organic or paid promotion. The ultimate goal of tube mastery is to achieve enough subscribers that you are able for call your income generated from ads or sponsorships "passive."

Get instant free access: Tube Mastery and Monetization webinar by Matt Par.

It has been said that "Monetization is the most important part of tube mastery." In a report by SocialBlade, they actually ranked YouTube at number 3 out of all websites in regards to daily pageviews, with 1.2 billion daily views. This is not only impressive because YouTube is a video-sharing site but also because it ranks higher than many of the world's largest media sites such as Facebook (1.06 billion) and Yahoo! News (502 million).

Making money with videos on YouTube is something that many people want to do but few ever achieve. The reason for this is that there are hundreds if not thousands of people trying to exploit the medium and make a living from it by using methods that are either unethical or don't meet Google's terms and conditions. If you want to make money from your videos on YouTube there are two main ways:

Adsense: This involves placing Google Adsense ads on your videos which will earn you clicks/impressions and a share of the revenue generated.

Affiliate Marketing: This involves linking your video to an online store and earning a commission for every sales you drive. With that in mind, here are the two ways that you can make money from your videos on YouTube.

YouTube Partner Program

If you become relatively popular on YouTube it is possible for you to become a partner which will allow you to earn money from your videos on YouTube without any adverts. To qualify for the partner program you must have 10,000 public views in 12 months and be in good standing with Google. You then have to create a partnership application and if accepted, Google will place ads on your videos which will earn revenue based on content, location or audience demographics. There is no current limit as to how much money you can earn but there is also no guarantee that you will make any money at all.

This option gives you complete control over the way that ads appear on your videos as well as allowing higher payments from YouTube. However, there is a great deal of competition for the partner program and you may not receive your application or you may be refused entry. This is a viable option for you to consider if you are one of the more popular YouTubers but it is something which requires extensive planning and effort on your part.

If you want to make money from your videos without having to worry about any partner program applications then there are two options available to you.

  1. Create a YouTube channel

Creating a YouTube channel can be done in less than 10 seconds and there is no limit as to how many channels that you can create but each additional channel will require its own description, videos, etc. so it should be planned carefully. The biggest advantage of creating a YouTube channel is that all income generated by your videos will come directly into your pocket rather than being filtered through Google first.

The disadvantages are that adverts must be shown on all of your videos, revenue is capped at $1.65 per 1000 views (($1.65 - 100 (ad revenue))/1000) and you must have a minimum of 200 subscribers before being able to earn any money.

To create a YouTube channel you simply need to follow these steps:

  1. Navigate over to

  2. Click on the Sign-Up button

  3. Click on Your Home Page in the Create Channel section

  4. Fill out your Username, Password, Email, and Date Of Birth

  5. Click Save Note: You will not be able to start earning money until you have at least 200 subscribers so don't forget to promote your channel!

  6. Advertise your videos using an AdWords account

If you can do this then there is no limit as to how much money you can make from your videos as there is no cap on income from promoted videos and it does not require a partner program application which would mean that no partner revenue percentage will be deducted from your earnings.

If you follow these steps carefully and have a strong following on your YouTube channel then you should be able to make a decent amount of money all directly through Google AdWords.

  1. Log in to your AdWords account
  2. Click on the 'Create an ad' button
  3. Select the appropriate Keywords
  4. Fill out your Description and Video information
  5. Click on the Show Advanced Features link
  6. Check 'This video is a TrueView in-stream ad'
  7. Select 'All features'
  8. Check the box next to 'Include calls to action (e.g., subscribe, download, visit).'
  9. Click Save
    10: Write an Ad text that tries to get people interested enough in your content so that they will click on it and watch it
    11: Insert any URLs into your description field

Once you have familiarized yourself with this process then you can begin earning some easy money from YouTube without having to worry about whether or not advertisers are going to pay you for your content. If you have any other tips for making money directly through Google AdWords then please leave a comment below.

The Tube Mastery and Monetization Course by Matt Par

Matt Par has been involved in the internet marketing and social media space for a long time now. Over the years, he has built his reputation as a successful entrepreneur by offering quality products and services to people all over the world. In fact, he is one of the most respected marketers of our generation. His program is a unique combination of business principles and social media marketing strategies that will help you make a living online.

When you decide to join Matt Par's course, you will be able to access his training modules, workbooks and guides using your membership area. You can then use it as your exclusive guide to making money on YouTube quickly and easily as possible. In this course, Matt Par shares his wealth of knowledge on how to make money with YouTube by creating awesome videos that will attract more views, build up your subscriber base, grow your influence and generate revenue from your content!

The training modules are divided into various sections that cover topics like choosing an idea for a video, choosing the right equipment, recording your videos, editing your videos, promoting your videos and monetizing your content. In each section, you will get a detailed explanation on how to execute the techniques and strategies that Matt Par has used to make money with YouTube. You will also have access to his step-by-step video tutorials that will help you create awesome videos that will attract more views and generate revenue.

The training materials are interactive and they come in the form of workbooks, PDF guides and checklists. You can use them as reference materials as you go through the training modules and execute the techniques that Matt Par teaches you in this program.
When you join Matt Par's course, here are some of the things that you will learn:

  1. How To Choose The Right Topic For Your Videos – In this module, you will learn about various ways to find a topic for your video content. Matt Par will teach you how to think outside of the box so that you can come up with a topic that has a lot of potential.

  2. How To Create A Video Script – In this module, you will learn how to write a video script that is going to attract more viewers, increase your views and make you money.

  3. How To Choose The Right Equipment For Recording Videos – You will learn how to choose the right equipment for recording videos such as the type of camera and microphone that you should use.

  4. How To Record Your Videos – This module will teach you how to shoot your videos like a professional so that you can create awesome content.

  5. How To Edit Your Videos – In this module, Matt Par will teach you how to edit your videos so that they are engaging and worth watching. He will also show you some advanced editing techniques that can help improve the quality of your videos.

  6. How To Promote Your Videos – This module will teach you various ways how to promote your videos so that your content gets in front of more people who are looking for it.

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