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  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Wow, I could only watch half that video. Fox does that to me.

I got to say the comedienne was garbage in my view and I particularly didn't like the abortion joke (though I'm very much pro-choice). Sarah H Sanders - what can you say? Routinely defends the indefensible with lie after lie after lie after lie?

She's fair game. As her boss is. I've seen reports where he's supposed to have called the attack on Sanders 'disgraceful'. That blew my mind. The repulsive excuse for a human being who openly mocked a disabled reporter? A racist joke of a human being who is fine with his locker-room talk where he can happily talk sexist crap didn't like his press secretary having to just sit still and suck it up a little?

I'd say Sanders and Trump got off lightly, personally. I'm fairly sure a lot of people would rightly agree there, too.

What do you think, @doctormartin67? It is traditional for the president to come under attack (in a comedic sense) at the event, after all. I mean, isn't that what it's meant to be about? Hell, Obama didn't shirk it, did he? I seem to recall he even made Trump look like the petty child-like moron he is at one of those nights, too.

It's crazy times Americans are living through right now. But at least the two Koreas are apparently kissing and making up. That'll be down to the fire and fury speech, that will! :)

It's just the double standards that I hate from the left. They would go crazy if Sarah was a democrat and got bullied like she did that evening, but because she is a spokes woman for Trump it doesn't matter. Also I just hate the fact that the only thing the left can joke about is Trump or republicans, because anything else might offend someone.
I don't care what people joke about, literally anything, but that doesn't mean it's funny. It was the most cringy thing I had seen in a long time.
P.S. I only watch Tucker on Fox because I think his interviews are hilarious, I'm not a big Fox fan otherwise.

May I ask how are the double standards of the left that you are able to dream up are any different from Trump's actual, verifiable double standards? He typically behaves like a scumbag and then complains of ill treatment aimed at his press secretary. That's a double standard, too, surely?

I'm not sure you should generalise too that the only thing the left can joke about is Trump / the republicans. That's a lot of people you're claiming to know very well, isn't it? Maybe one or two of them can laugh at other things also.

i'm not a trump fan by the way, he's pretty much the biggest hypocrite i know. I'm just saying if you are a moderate leftist, be aware that that won't exist for much longer because more and more moderates get cast aside by the radical leftists that control the media. You might like the idea that people can joke about a lot of things, that won't exist for much longer if you keep supporting this radical party. People are getting found guilty in court more and more for making jokes that the court found too offensive.