Some bundels left
Rest of TULIP and Diamond Bitcoin Assets will be moved to a faucet.
70% given away
First of all congratulations to those who claimed their gratis Waves DEX platform Assets. Only 1637 TULIP will ever excist. And because every one of them is build up from a 1000 millis, only 1'637'000 milli TULIP will ever excist. Be aware though that there is only 1 real TULIP Asset on the Waves platform. Just that name, nothing more.
Sure am going to miss being a virtual Crypto muli-billionair. Thanks to the Diamond Bitcoin Asset I had the joy of that experience. It was created to be a token for an upcoming Bitcoin fork. But because others already made a split forking clone D-BTC will live on like an Asset on the Waves DEX. It is more rare anyway, only 21 million DBC instead of 210 BCD.
The market decides
Holding these Assets, or others like the Future24 ones, is something different than being really wealthy. There needs to be some trading on the Waves DEX {Decetralized EXchange}, at least. And even better would be a growing 24 hour trading volume. Where more sell than ask offers would make the price drop. And when there is high demand the price will rise.
It is specualtion though. And it is good to remember to only invest in Cryptos what you are willing and able to lose. To me it is quite disturbing to read about people putting their live savings in. Or even take an extra mortgage on their house to use for Crypto speculation. Often I propose to people who want to have some Cryptos of their own to start earning them on Steem. Still to me the best way to get into Cryptos.
Faucet filling
Anyway, when I have send the remaining TULIP and DBC to the faucet I will post the transaction IDs to prove it. And if you missed out on the handout and still want some, you can use the faucets. Hopefully the faucets are still active...
May the Cryptos be with us!
CC0 licensed photo.