Last of issued TULIP and Diamond Bitcoin assets

in tulip •  7 years ago 

Send to Wavesdrop Faucet

They can both be used on the Waves DEX {Decentralized EXchange} platform.

The Faucet addresses

The faucets are hosted by WavesDrop. And I just have send the last of the TULIP and Diamond Bitcoin assets that I had left in my Waves Wallet. The faucets can hand out 1 TLP or DBC per hour, or every 60 blocks, which ever comes first.

This will end until the Faucets are dry. So if you missed the handouts here at Steem you can still get yourself some TULIP and or Diamond Bitcoin assets.

TULIP asset faucet CLICK HERE


Diamond Bitcoin asset faucet CLICK HERE


Proof Of Transaction {POT} that I indeed did send the assets leftovers to the faucets:

TULIP asset {TLP}

Transaction ID: 65S6r2TwwtTUAjcnTyUxC4yPx1xW3Ugm9bgFXseVQa18
Type: transfer (send)
Date: 01/30/2018 18:45
Recipient: 3PE9n5HRUsU6kjknatxPfvam7WmKy8EJcRW
Amount: 489.222 TULIP (DhNdGSkyttDmn72yMNN68dD6Xq6yLW2pph2yEFqVeSD4)
Fee: 0.00100000 Waves (WAVES)

Diamond Bitcoin asset {DBC}

Transaction ID: FBQpohSUwNm64dFuoTiEXDiTr4bGipmS9RXn5z5yTx9c
Type: transfer (send)
Date: 01/30/2018 18:47
Recipient: 3PE9n5HRUsU6kjknatxPfvam7WmKy8EJcRW
Amount: 8,284,000.00128221 Diamond Bitcoin (2XEjzq8DfoLqg8C6NWbCNAnP1xUrA6Nb5pH4eKXZQZs2)
Fee: 0.00100000 Waves (WAVES)

Please note that the price, if any, of an asset will be determened by the market. And even if there is a price set then the market still has to have, at least, some trade volume. Also remember to only invest in Cryptos what you are willing and able to lose.

May the Cryptos be with us!

Assets moved to the Wavesdrop faucets
Image cc-by-sa @oaldamster.

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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Gaaf, ik wist niet dat er ook faucets te vinden waren op het Waves-platform...

Ik heb geprobeerd (na het invullen van mijn Waves adres) wat te claimen, maar het lukt me niet. Ik kan de captcha aanvinken maar daarna kan ik nergens op klikken om het te claimen... Kan je me wellicht vertellen hoe dit werkt?

Edit: lol; heb het al uitgevogeld, adblocker had de claim-knop verborgen :D:D:D

Ja, tof he. :-)
Benieuwd hoe snel ze leeg zijn.

Ik blijf ook lekker claimen!

Bij mij was die knop ook even kwijt idd, slechte interner verbinding heeft daar ook mee te maken :)

Leuk leuk leuk! Laat die tulpen maar floreren en rondcirculeren!

Ze zijn volop in beweging. :-)

Inderdaad, promoten die handel! Iedereen wil toch een tulpie hebben


hello, i found that diamond bitcoin can't be trade on the DEX (no pairs exist yet) but in the sme time the token in the wallet have a market price? Which exchange list Diamond bitcoin waves token? thank a lot for answering

Hi, the Waves platform is centralized for a part. This means there is a team controlling the visibillity of the Asset Tokens. One part is by a verification proces. Which seems to be halted, or not, no one knows...

Another thing that has been done by the Waves Filter team is hiding some payed for Asset Tokens. To not make them show up when searched by name. This seems to be the case with every Asset Token that has Bitcoin in its name. Even though it is called Diamond Bitcoin and not Bitcoin Diamond.

Anyway, a workaround is to copy-paste the Asset Token ID for Diamond Bitcoin to use it: 2XEjzq8DfoLqg8C6NWbCNAnP1xUrA6Nb5pH4eKXZQZs2.

Then you can add all possible trading pairs. Also you can actually see the hidden markets actually work and created a price.

But this central control censorship connected to the Waves platform made me want to use other systems like Bitshares and the upcoming Steem SMTs.

All the Asset Tokens I created on the Waves platform were handed out for free and partly send to the Wavesdrop faucet.

Hope this reply was of help to you.

The Wave App does show all the Asset Tokens with Bitcoin in their name. If you select Show Unverified Assets from the menu.

nice information...

good info

wat wordt er met faucets bedoeld? Ik kom niet verder als kraan. Is het ook een coin of zo?

Een faucet is inderdaad als een kraan. Maar in de digitale versie druppelen er gratis Cryptos uit. Wat ik over had aan Diamond Bitcoin en Tulip heb ik er gestort. Mensen met een Waves adres kunnen die nu daar claimen, met 1 per uur.