The practice of mixing turmeric with milk is known. This drink is also called as golden milk. But not only turmeric mixed milk, turmeric tea also has many benefits. Although many people do not know about its benefits. Turmeric fights infection and beautifies the skin.
Regular consumption of turmeric tea reduces inflammation in the body and helps in better sleep. Turmeric removes acne, keeps the heart and liver healthy. There are many other benefits. Let's know the benefits of drinking turmeric tea-
Reduces inflammation
If you make a cup of yellow tea and drink it, you will get a lot of nutrients and minerals including vitamin B3, B6, copper, zinc, potassium, iron. These nutrients act as powerful antioxidants. As a result, the risk of many chronic diseases and inflammation is reduced.
Reduces arthritis pain
For those suffering from arthritis or joint pain, turmeric tea can be an effective remedy. Because turmeric contains curcumin compounds. Which works to reduce joint pain, arthritis pain and swelling. So make a habit of drinking tea mixed with turmeric to reduce such pain.
Heart is good
Turmeric tea helps to reduce harmful cholesterol for the body. Due to which the risk of heart attack is reduced. So to avoid heart problems or fear of heart attack, make a habit of drinking turmeric tea regularly.
Reduces the risk of cancer
Turmeric is anti-cancer. It helps prevent cancer of skin, intestine, breast, stomach etc. So if you want to stay away from deadly diseases like cancer, keep yellow tea in your daily food list.
Reduces the risk of diabetes
Turmeric tea works to reduce the risk of diabetes. Because turmeric contains some ingredients that lower blood sugar levels. As a result, the risk of diabetes is reduced. It helps in insulin production. As a result, immunity also increases.
How to make turmeric tea
Prepare turmeric tea by mixing 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder in two cups of water and boiling for 5 to 10 minutes. Now take some salt, pepper powder, lemon juice and ginger juice in a cup and mix this turmeric tea with it. These ingredients will work to increase the nutritional value of turmeric tea. Drinking this tea two to three times a week will bring benefits.