in tutorial •  7 years ago 

God has possessed every human with the gift of being creative. It is our duty to make this gift manifest. I am here this time with yet another entrepreneurship tutorial titled CREATIVITY. The next episode is going to be CREATIVE THINKING. So dear entrepreneurs fasten your seat belts.

Creativity is a process by which a symbolic domain in the culture is changed. New products, services, ideas, and machines are what creativity is all about. Creativity is the ability to make or otherwise bring into existence something new, whether a new solution to a problem, a new method or device. All innovation begins with creative ideas. Creativity is the starting point for innovation. Creativity is however necessary but not a sufficient condition for innovation. Creativity is also an attitude and the ability to accept change, and to look for new ideas and possibilities. In short. Creativity is a process. Opurah wrote 'The entrepreneurs, who are creative, work hard or improve ideas and find solutions to problems by making gradual alterations and refinement to their works.'

Creativity refers to the invention or origination of any new thing that has value. Creativity is the bringing into being of something which did not exist before, either as a product, a thought or a process. Creativity can be used to make products, processes and services better and it can be used to create them in the first place. Three reasons why people are motivated to be creative include

i) need for noval, varied and complex stimulation
ii) need to communicate ideas and values
iii)need to solve problems


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Creativity comes in different forms.A number of different theorist have suggested models of the creative person. One model suggests that there are kinds of creativity that produce growth, innovation, speed etc . There are referred to as the four "Creative profiles" that can help achieve sich goals.

i) Incubate (Long-term Development)
ii) Imagine (Breakthrough Ideas)
iii)Improve (Incremental Adjustments)
iv)Invest (Short term Goals) (Naiman)

Theory of creativity (partially investigation of why some people are more creative than others) have focused on a variety of aspect. The dominant factors are usually identified as "the four P's"- Process, Product, Person, Place.


i) REPLICATION: confirming that the given field is in the correct

ii)REDEFINITION: the attempt to redefine where field is and how it is viewed-forward

iii) INCREMENTION: a creative contributor that moves the field forward in the direction in which it is already moving

iv) ADVANCE FORWARD MOVEMENT: which advances the first past the point where others:

v) REDIRECTION: which moves field in a new or different direction.

v) STARTING OVER! REINITIATION: moving the field to a different starting point.

vii) INTEGRATION: combining two or more diverse ways of thinking about the field into a single way of thinkng.

That is all for today's tutorial of creativity. Follow @citimillz to Keep in touch for more posts on this. Thanks for reading my blog.


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Quite enlightening I must say!