The following articles really helped me to optimise my settings, kudos to the author. Leave comments below on size of your files before and after using HandBrake and how much time it's saved you in uploading :-)
- A “best settings” guide for Handbrake 0.9.9 and 0.10 by Matt Gadient - https://mattgadient.com/2013/06/12/a-best-settings-guide-for-handbrake-0-9-9/
- A rundown of Handbrake settings (0.9.6) by Matt Gadient - https://mattgadient.com/2012/06/25/a-rundown-of-handbrake-settings-0-9-6/
- The best H.264 / x264 settings for Handbrake - https://mattgadient.com/2009/09/12/the-best-h-264-x264-settings-for-handbrake/
Be safe and be prepared
Geordie Prepper
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