Introduction to python|My first contribution to utopian

in tutorials •  6 years ago 

hello there and welcome to my first contribution to utopian-io my name is SAIFEEALII and I'm really excited to welcome you to this article where we're going to start to dig into the concepts and to the programming language of Python now I know what a lot of you might be saying is this is a a toy language it's a very simple language that may be just beginners look into to try to learn how to get into software development because it's easy to learn and yes that might be the case but there's also a lot there for you seasoned veterans out there and the reason I say that is because if you were to look around a little bit you're gonna notice very quickly that there's a lot of applications for Python whether you're doing web and Internet development using Django or something along those lines you can do a lot of scientific and numeric calculations it's used in education you can create desktop gooeys the list goes on and on for all the different options you have and that's one of the beautiful things about Python is because it's very simple to learn very quick to learn the basics but then there are so many different aspects that you can get into now we're not going to get into a lot of the deep dark secrets of Python in this course we're really just going to start learning enough concepts to start building some very simple applications but I promise you that you're very quickly going to learn the basic functionality and you're going to get very comfortable very quickly so that you can really start to adopt this as one of the languages that you can use for some go to applications but I could sit here and talk to you all day about it but what I'd really like to do is start to show you so let's get started

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