Should I be obsessed with work?

in tuturial •  8 years ago 

Should I be obsessed with work?

We may hear a lot of conflicting suggestions from entrepreneurs as hard as we have to work.

On the other hand, we are also advised to "balance" in life.

"Do not work on weekends."
"Sleeping 8 hours a day"
"Make sure you spend time with your family"

On the other hand, you are advised to be an obsession to be successful.

"Work 10x more hard."
"Do not take a vacation in the next 5 years"
"How much do you want something?"

Okay, I've been through it all in the last 5 years and I'm going to share my views with you.

You must obsession first. Early in your career, at the beginning of your business.

There is no such thing as 'playing games' in business.

In school, we can start competing with the students at the level.

In business? We are competing as giants!

Success in life is how we manage our resources like time, focus, energy and attention.

We do not have much resources at the start of the start.

  • Most beginners do not have much capital
  • Energy depleted due to work 8 hours a day in the office
  • Not to mention if you have a baby at home
  • If not focus kuss kusss, then it's all gone.

If you today only spend 10% of your resources, how can you compete with those who are ALL-OUT?

In the timeline Facebook is full of successful quotes, who really works in the end?

Could get caught out with whom they hang out and how they spend their free time.

I see many who say they want to succeed but instead spend their night time at night in night clubs. Endless-party wkwkwk

If today you're just starting a business, that obsession should be.

You even have to sacrifice your sleep time.

I am ambitious enough but I know my limitations. It's a marathon, not a sprint. I do not want to waste my energy.

I run several companies today, personal branding and work 6 days a week.

I wandered wherever I wanted to go. How come?

Because I reinvest my money to redeem it with time :)

I am an obsession for the first 3 years. Itupun because I have a lot of falling up, ngerasain cheated here and there circumstances forced me to grow up faster than it should. #tsaaahh

Afterwards I started looking for balance in life.

How much time do you need? It depends.


  1. Obsession at the beginning of the start
  2. Reinvest your money to buy your lost time
  3. A balanced life

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