Star Trek reboots are nonsensical drivel down to their very core.

in tv •  3 years ago

One bone that I'll throw to the author of this abomination is that Karl Urban is a good Bones. I also liked Anton Yelchin.

Otherwise, no, this is entirely wrong.

The fact that the cast is younger isn't an improvement, it's one of the greatest blemishes. Rather than Kirk being a realistic age to be the commander of the Federation's flag ship, he's a brat who inexplicably got promoted straight from a cadet facing expulsion to Captain. Pike decides to put a cadet in charge instead of his first officer? I mean, even a Vulcan should get pissed about that level of stupidity.

Not to mention the subsequent movies tried to rip off scenes from Wrath of Khan that held weight because of Admiral Kirk's dilemmas about ageing and feeling like his best days are behind him. Those scenes don't work with a young captain Kirk who's living his dream.

The supporting cast is better? Bullshit. Somehow Carol Marcus has a British accent while her dad has a grizzled, Peter Weller accent? Benedict Cumberbatch is Khan? I mean, I think that cultural appropriation and the whole controversy about actors playing roles that are against type are dumb; but, even I find it offensive that Cumberbatch was cast as a Middle Easterner.

The reboots are nonsensical drivel down to their very core. That includes the casting.

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