Who Is the Most Popular Defender?

in tv •  8 years ago 

The Defenders.jpg

I think for the first time in a long time, Netflix is trying to keep a conversion around a series going. There is no other reason to explain why Netflix decided to release their viewing patterns for Marvel-Netflix. These patterns basically reveal the most favorite Marvel-Netflix show without releasing viewing numbers.

So which show is the most viewed?


Jessica Jones. Yes, when people start watching Marvel-Netflix they start with her and then move on to Daredevil. If someone starts with Daredevil they go to Jessica Jones. If someone starts with Luke Cage then they would go to Iron Fist and vice versa. But, Jessica is on top.

Source: https://www.usatoday.com/story/life/tv/2017/08/22/you-wont-believe-what-shows-lead-viewers-watch-netflixs-marvel-series/587947001/

I love Jessica Jones and thought that the show was just amazing. It had so much depth to it, and I liked how much her character was flawed. I am happy to see that the show is doing well. Also, other unreliable surveys tend to show her lagging behind, such as this one:


It's good to see them wrong as they are unofficial. It's also great to see that so many other people love this character, or think that she's awesome enough to start with. She’ll also probably get a bigger role in Defenders season 2, if they’ll be one. I haven’t finished the season, but her role feels relatively small to me.

This also means that the show isn’t doing as well as Netflix or Marvel or both have anticipated, and they are actively trying to keep the conversation around it going. This is not a good sign. I think Netflix just needs a publicity department.

Also, generally speaking it’s nice to see more than one type of female superhero doing well. Although she is more of an anti-hero. It just makes my inner geek feel complete.

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