Stranger Things.. I don't see what the hype is about..

in tv •  5 years ago 

Ok, before you crucify me in the comments, I have only seen the first three episodes of season one.. I will stick it out and watch the rest since there is nothing else im interested in on Netflix atm, so..



Since I've pretty much given up all hope of getting my life on the right track anytime soon, I have plenty more time to veg out on the couch for late night Netflix binges.

There are TONS of choices, but not many of them appeal to me. I'm fresh off of my Black Mirror spree, which for the most part, and with the exception of the last season, I enjoyed greatly. So now, to ease my wandering mind, I needed a new show to start..

Stranger Things has been on the top of the promoted shows page for me on Netflix for awhile, but I've avoided getting into it.. that is, until last night. Between Stranger Things or some random tv series about food or some other reality crap, I went with the former.

Each episode is about an hour long, and it's set in a small (fictional) American town of Hawkins, Indiana. I was interested in it because it takes place in the early 80s, which was when I was born, so it's cool to see how the showrunners were able to recreate that feel.

[the show is laden with 80s nostalgia] src

However, I can't, at this moment say the same about the characters.. I know they are supposed to be unique and perhaps a little stereotypical.. I just don't feel any affinity to them after 3 episodes. I thought I would like the boy with cleidocranial dysplasia, but a lot of his comic relief moments just fall flat for me.. he comes across as annoying, as do most of the basement D&D gang.

The adults aren't any better. The cop (Hopper?) is finally starting to be a bit redeeming after 3 episodes. But the moms, dads, and teachers struggle to show any depth of character. I wish Winona Ryder would stop crying every single scene she's in.. ugh..

[not such a strange occurrence in the show] src

To be fair, I'm mildly interested in the whole.. what appears to be.. alternate-dimension-monster theme. Enough so that I will continue watching, especially because there doesn't seem to be anything else as intriguing on Netflix atm.

However, I have seen/heard people building up the hype about how incredible this show is. I have seen merchandise and video game spin offs about this game.. and tbh, I don't get it.. not yet at least.. yes the show is entertaining, but unlike many other shows that have come before, I had no problem putting down the remote and walking away after each episode ended..


Have you seen Stranger Things? What were your initial thoughts/reactions? Has your opinion changed over the seasons? Let's keep things non-spoilery in the comments below! Thanks~

Until then... stay savvy!! 😎

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It took me a couple episodes of the first season to get into it but its not, I dont think its the greatest show on tv but its watchable. I do think that the second season was meh and the third season was good but there are worse things out there to watch.

Not knowing how old you are, is it possible that you are just too young to appreciate it. Part of the hype for a lot of us is the old school feeling the show has with nostalgic items that remind us of our youth in the 80's. Plus there is the whole group of kids thing going out on an adventure ala Goonies etc. It's just a guess. If you are old enough to understand the nuances then I am out of ideas :)

Hi @striderpunk

The problem is that you've already some expectations that have been build by mentioned hype. So it's going to be difficult to meet them.

Plus it may simply not be your kind of movie/show :)


That is very true @crypto.piotr,

I think the expectations were definitely to blame. Subsequently, I did watch all the episodes and ended up enjoying the show greatly.. I think I must have been expecting something different at the time. Very keen observation on your part :)