Netflixing: The Seven Deadly Sins

in tv •  8 years ago  (edited)

Well, I can say it's unlike any anime I've ever watched before.

This is The Seven Deadly Sins.

The Sinmobile

Where did This Come From?

The Seven Deadly Sins is an anime series advertised as "A Netflix Original". This, however, falls short of the truth. The anime is actually based on a Shounen Jump manga and was released on broadcast television in Japan. That it is Netflix-exclusive in North America in no way makes it "A Netflix Original".

This is, of course, no reason to overlook the series, but it does raise a few questions about how Netflix presents itself to its audience, and why it feels the need to label something as original to Netflix which is clearly not. They certainly don't need to tell such lies, as there are some shows and movies that truly are original to Netflix, and many of these are critically acclaimed.

And this gave me pause in starting this series, considering how the last time I watched a program falsely claiming to originate with Netflix, it turned out badly.

"What could possibly go wrong?"

But in my quest to review as many Netflix offerings as I can, I found myself giving the series a go. And, I have to say, it was not what I was expecting.

The Story

In a time of knights, wizards, and King Arthur, in the kingdom of Liones (north of Camelot), the order of holy knights stages a coup against the king. Fleeing the capital, the king's youngest daughter seeks out the only allies she can trust: a heretical order of knights that betrayed and abandoned their station ten years ago. These are the Seven Deadly Sins, the strongest warriors in the history of the kingdom, now scattered across Britannia without a sense of purpose.

And that's really all there is to it. One of the first surprises this anime gave me was the simplistic storyline. Princess Elizabeth needs the Seven Deadly Sins to take back her kingdom, so she sets out to collect them one by one. And it leads to the inevitable confrontation with those knights who deposed her father.

The Seven Deadly Characters

Apart from Elizabeth, the primary characters of the series are the Sins themselves. And these also surprised me, though not always pleasantly.

To begin with, there's Meliodas.

The leader of the Sins and by far the biggest disappointment of this series. He is considerably old, despite his childlike appearance, and this would be no worse than such an anime trope usually is, except for one small thing:

He is a pervert.

It's not uncommon for an anime series to have one pervert character, who naughtily contemplates sneaking a peek at the female characters, only to be thwarted in one way or another. But that's the thing about Meliodas: he doesn't get thwarted. He actually makes moves against Elizabeth without being stopped. And the fact that he looks like a twelve year old just makes the whole thing disturbing. It's not funny, and it doesn't so much mock the pretentiousness of the audience as it drags its own reputation through the mud.

After Melodias is Diane, the giantess who is sad because she has a hard time fitting in.

And that's pretty much her entire character. I'm hard pressed to think of what other attributes define her, as not a lot of work was put into establishing her arc.

Ban is the third Sin, and he gets a little more development. For the most part, he's a cookie-cutter "tough guy with an attitude" endemic to most anime. But he is rounded out a little with a love story that makes him just a bit endearing.

But the only character who I found to be compelling was King, the fourth Sin and arguably the most developed of the bunch.

Equipped with a magical flying pillow that can turn into a spear, King is the most original and heartfelt element of the entire show. He has a romantic subplot, and he's one of the few characters than can think through a situation rationally and make intelligent conversation.

There are two other Sins who appear in Season 1, but they are so utterly forgettable that I won't bother mentioning them here. If the showrunners wanted me to care about them, they should have given them more time to develop their characters.

The only other character worth mentioning is the obligatory talking-animal sidekick who provides comic relief and moral support, and that would be in the form of Hawk, the boar.

Supportive to the point of being almost motherly, Hawk is the Scrappy-Doo of The Seven Deadly Sins. He likes to believe he's a fighter, but he's more of a runner away-er. He interjects annoyingly into the character dialogue at inconvenient points. It's hard to imagine how the show would be any worse without him.

Other Problems

As I said before, The Seven Deadly Sins was unlike any other anime I have seen before. This is because every anime I had previously seen was either amazingly good or stupendously bad.

The Seven Deadly Sins may be anime's first brush with lukewarm mediocrity, and that is a dangerous proposition.

The show is not bad enough to be abhorred, but it sure ain't anything special. Mostly, it just copies what it has seen other anime shows do. The characters are all cliches ripped from the pages of better manga. The plot (by anime standards) is trite and underwhelming, with few meaningful twists and turns, except for the ones that are so obvious that they can be seen from a mile away.

I fear that this paint-by-numbers approach could be symptomatic of a deeper problem. Traditionally, anime has been the art form where chances were taken and risks embraced. If it starts to go the way of The Seven Deadly Sins, then I fear that it may be starting to mellow out, or even that it may be trying too hard to imitate the more simplistic story styles of western cartoons, which would be a huge mistake.

And while I can't hate this series, and can easily recognize the good parts it does have, overall it leaves me with a hollow feeling that I can't shake.

Season 2?

According to Netflix, the show has 2 seasons. But when you actually look at the menu listing, you discover that "Season 2" is just a collection of four filler episodes that have almost no connection to the main plot, standing as a placeholder until the real Season 2 lands. The first two of these episodes are entirely without merit. The third has a few touching moments between King and Diane, which I appreciated. And the fourth actually explores a few points that may be important to the main story, while giving Gowther the Goat Sin some character development.

My Judgment

The Seven Deadly Sins is largely skippable.

Apart from King's story arc and the subplots related to it, the show has little to show for itself. The characters are undeveloped and overpowered (a deadly combination). The magic system is never explained at all, allowing for characters to suddenly whip out new powers whenever it is convenient to the plot. And too much of the series is just copy-pasted from other anime. It may be the first example, in the entire art form, of which it can be said, "Eh, it's nothing special."

Nevertheless, there are bright spots scattered here and there. It's still better than 90% of American animated shows, and it has some beautiful animation.

It is a Netflix exclusive in North America. I'm not going to recommend it, but I also won't stop you from investigating the show yourself, if you feel so inclined.

Previous entries in the Netflixing series:

Past Years

TV Shows

  • Sherlock, Series 4
  • The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, Season 3
  • The Twilight Zone (1963)
  • The IT Crowd
  • Mystery Science Theater 3000: The Return
  • Archer, Season 7
  • One-Punch Man
  • Iron Fist
  • Phineas and Ferb
  • Keeping Up Appearances
  • Michael Bolton's Big, Sexy Valentine's Day Special
  • Hunter x Hunter (2011)
  • A Series of Unfortunate Events
  • Luke Cage
  • The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt
  • Movies

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    Thank you very much for this discovery. I will follow you because I am fan of anime and I love your articles. Good job.

    Netflix has a good spread of anime. Though it still doesn't have enough, in my opinion. If it wanted to be, it could easily become the premiere platform for anime worldwide.

    wow amazing post thanks for sharing
    following you

    Thanks for the follow. Keep on Netflixing.

    sure , thank you

    I dont usually watch this, but i must say that you made a really good post about netflix serie.

    Thanks. I enjoy Netflixing, and this is one way of sharing that passion with the world.

    Unfortunately, every time that money becomes everything that matters, honesty becomes a luxury.

    True enough.

    nice article man.. really liked it..

    I'm glad you did. Be sure to check out any of my other reviews, if I've piqued your interest.

    Ooooh my god !!!!! I love nanatsu notaizai litteraly MY FAVOURITE ANIME !!!!

    I'm glad you liked it, even though, personally, the only part I enjoyed was King's story arc.

    Still, it's nice that we can get such anime so easily on Netflix.

    yeah sure ! Well King is a great character he s always following Dyane wherever she goes haha ! And he's really reliable !

    Long time that I watched anime, maybe I will come back to this =)

    DAM Bro . seven deadly sins Or nanatsu no taizai awesome post I really like it and I maked a post whith the same topic . You can check it :
    And there is a lot of anime that I like :
    -D-Gray Man
    -Devil may cry
    -One piece
    -One punch man
    -Attack on titan

    And others, mor than 100 animes hhhh.
    I just followed you and upvoted, Good luck bro

    Thanks for following. I've reviewed a bunch of other anime, too, which you can see in my running table of contents (appears at the end of each review).

    It's nice to meet so many anime fans here on Steemit. Thanks for the comment.

    Im a anime fans so this is a pleaser for me to follow some one ho shared topics that talk about animes .Specialy some one ho know well about it. And if you are intrested we can speak about anime and i can give you some advice or idea about you next post. @ossagh

    I'm always open to recommendations. Just keep in mind that I only review shows that can be found on Netflix, and since I live in America, that means shows that can be found on North American Netflix.

      ·  8 years ago (edited)

    I have just seen Netflixing: One-Punch Man and i agree with you anime is one of the great place where we can have freedom and creativity, and this is why I love japan . And keep it up Bro.
    I see that you can succeed.

    I'm so glad you liked my One-Punch Man review!

    I'll do my best to keep putting out good content.

    I know you will

    Seven Deadly Sins was a GREAT show and I loved both S1 and S2. You made a great post for people that may not already be into anime. Thank you!

    I'm glad you liked it. I'm so glad to find so many people on Steemit who appreciate anime.

    If you like anime I recommend you the film 'Your Name' and the series Attack on Titan. I´m sure you will enjoy them!

    I'm afraid I already reviewed Attack on Titan. And while I enjoyed your name., it is not yet on Netflix, so I cannot review it here.

    But I will thank you for the recommendations, anyway.

    Then sorry for not helping, sure in another post I will can do another better suggestion


    Thank you so much!

    Will surely watch The Seven Deadly Sins Thanks for Suggesting and sharing it on steemit.

    Glad you enjoyed the post.

    good article,i like it...go head bro,i did follow u...regards from austria.

    Thanks for the follow.

    looks like i need to watch it !!

    Amazing post!

    Thanks for sharing, now I'm following you :)

    Thanks for the follow. I love meeting new people here on Steemit.

    i am definitely checking this one out on Netflix

    Netflix is the place to watch it.

    If you're looking for more stuff to watch, check out my other reviews. Everything I review can be found on Netflix.

    i hope you post again :) we missed your posts:)

    Usually, I only post twice a week.

    On Mondays: a post from my own blog about writing, publishing, business, or other subjects.

    On Wednesdays: a Netflix review.

    Sorry that I'm not more active, but I have to pace myself if I want to keep putting out good work. Quality over quantity, and such.


    Nice Article @talanhorne Thank you for sharing :)

    I'm always happy to share.