I'm a closet Celebrity Big Brother UK fan... Errr WHY!?

in tv •  9 years ago 

I don't know how it happened. I guess I was bored one night (before I had Steemit) and I stumbled upon it on Youtube when it lauched. Somehow I started watching it daily and getting hooked I'm afread to say.

I can't really tell any of my friends because they are more of the classic reality tv fans of shows like Survivor or Amazing Race. And I'd probably not hear the end of it. Also the subjects are sometimes a little too much and occasionally there is too much shown. But it's the whole crazy interaction between all these completely different people that I guess is what facinates me most.

I'm sorry but I need share this with someone. Here is the link to the damn user :) who keeps putting up the shows on youtube, but don't blame me if you start watching this wacky show.
Note: this is not suitable for kids

And only for the twisted ones that get pulled in over your head (like I did), here is the link to the side show called BOTS that they do after the main shows.

Ok... I've admitted this now and shared my shame. But it would be nice to have a few others join in with this guilty pleasure. :)

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I love BB UK (its a lot easier for me to watch being in the UK) and have seen almost every season. The celebrity version started this week with an all woman line up. There have been tensions already so it will be greta to see what happens when they put the men in :)

Hey do you watch the usa version of big brother? it is starting tomorrow!!!!

  ·  9 years ago Reveal Comment