The Secret of the Presidential Bloodline (TVM-LSM-666)

in tvmlsm666 •  7 years ago  (edited)

1961 speech Eisenhower Warns us of New World Order

Bilateral Minesfield Breakthrough Successor Agreement signed by Harry S. Truman

Security for gold delivery signed by soon to be President, Dwight Eisenhower

Ronald Reagan, Jimmy Carter; Trilateral Commision

Ronald Reagan: A Time For Choosing (1964: Warns Of NWO)

Certificate of Global Immunity signed by Gerald R. Ford

Trust Deposit signed by Gerald R. Ford

Memo about the New World Legal Order thru; Jimmy Carter and George Bush Jr.

Trilateral Commissions memo about United nations ECOSOC Art. 55 and the New world Legal Order thru; William Jefferson Clinton, George Bush Jr. and Jimmy Carter

Committee of 300, United Nations, Bank of ASBLP and ASBLP Group of Comapnies international registry signed by George W. Bush

JFK Speech on the New World Order

Barrack Hussein Obama II (Barry Soetoro) prints three trillion dollars in Thailand

New World Order Quote Compilation

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