TV-TWO offer the community an open platform for a new television ecosystem

in tvtwo •  6 years ago 

TV-TWO is bringing trustless transactions and crypto wallets to 700M Smart TVs around the globe. We are decentralizing the television landscape by connecting TVs to the Ethereum blockchain and by tokenizing reach on the Big Screen.

TV-TWO offer the community an open platform for a new television ecosystem. This includes: First, an application for TVs that blends traditional television with a personalized video stream offering premium content at no subscription costs.

Second, the Token for Television (TTV), an ERC20 token that administers the exchanged value between consumers, content providers and advertisers. In the new ecosystem, the Ethereum blockchain makes it possible for market participants to interact directly without having to rely on TV network as middlemen. Consumers get to watch curated videos while receiving TTV for choosing to see sponsored messages from advertisers. Content creators are rewarded by users with TTV for their quality productions. Advertisers receive more transparency over their spendings than in any form of digital advertising.

20th Century FOX meets TV-TWO

TV-TWO announces movie industry giant 20th Century FOX of Germany as one of its first business partners. Together with the start of our Public Crowdsale, we are very proud to announce movie industry giant 20th Century FOX of Germany as one of our first business partners! 20th Century FOX of Germany is excited about our transparent television ecosystem and is already running test campaigns on the TV-TWO platform.

This year’s action blockbuster Deadpool 2 was advertised to our German test users on TV-TWO. A detailed case study on the campaign will follow in the coming days. At TV-TWO, we are humbled to work with such a big name in the industry. 20th Century FOX is well-known for movies like Avatar, Titanic and Independence Day. The company believes in the power of television for reaching their audience and in the innovation that TV-TWO provides. As movies fall in different categories, like comedy, action or horror, our behavioral and interest-focused targeting can deliver the right trailer to the right consumer at the right time. More campaigns are already in planning.

What is TV-TWO Platform

TV-TWO offers regular consumers of broadcast television an easy way to transition into a world with a personalized video stream

TV-TWO Smart TV App:

  • While watching broadcast television through TV-TWO, users can start a personalized video stream offering premium content at no subscription costs
  • The video stream acts as an additional channel and can be opened by pressing Enter on the remote control
  • Based on in-stream behavior, preferences in linear TV, surveys and other data, a supervised learning algorithm selects suitable videos from a broad selection of high quality content
  • The following video categories exist: Movies, Music, News and Politics, Travel and Nature, Food and Beverages, Fashion and Beauty, Sports, Cars, Technology, Gaming, and Education

What is TV-TWO Blockchain

TV networks and broadcasters exploit their position as middlemen.

We encourage direct interactions between consumers, content providers and advertisers


  • Get to use a platform that blends linear TV with a personalized video stream curated by a supervised learning algorithm, enabling more organic content variety and relevance without having to pay a monthly subscription fee
  • Experience the freedom to skip videos and ads as well as the chance to select ad frequency
  • Receive rewards for watching relevant sponsored messages as well as sharing anonymous data with advertisers through the TTV

Content Providers

  • Receive the chance to generate reach on television sets without having to sign a contract with a TV network, giving small creators that focus on quality videos an equal share of voice as determined by watch statistics instead of clicks
  • Get full transparency on watch statistics for their videos without having to trust a single centralized platform
  • Can refinance their content more easily by profiting from high media spends that go towards TV


  • Receive targeting and attribution features as well as the automated media booking on TV that they know from digital advertising
  • Get per user reporting on ad engagement and organic video context without falling victim to fraud or non-transparent KPI reporting
  • Can address users on the basis of their first-party data without having to hand over data to TV-TWO or a third-party

The combination of Smart Contracts and State Channel Technology build a trustless and scalable solution

What is TV-TWO Token?

We redistribute the $180 billion television ad cake of networks and broadcasters

TV-TWO is introducing the Token for Television (TTV) as the currency in a new, globally decentralized TV ecosystem.

Transactions between advertisers and users as well as between users and content providers are always tied to the Token for Television. Other cryptocurrencies and fiat can not be used to exchange value between market participants. Advertisers have to acquire TTV during the crowdsale or on exchanges in order to sponsor messages.

The decision to design the ecosystem in a way that it is reliant on the TTV helps to lever- age token network e↵ects in order to overcome the bootstrapping challenge of initially limited application utility.

Each token has the reserved right to show ads to a fixed portion of the TV-TWO user base, each consumer that comes to the platform boosts the utility of the token. All token holders are aligned towards the com- mon goal of growing the user base, be it through word of mouth or through uploading premium videos on the platform. With more users and quality content providers in the ecosystem, an increasing number of advertisers see relevance in sponsoring videos on TV-TWO.

What is great for advertisers: If the price per TTV should increase, the price of reaching one individual on the platform does not increase in line. Over time, one TTV simply buys more sponsored views than in the beginning. This is where the divisibility of the TTV to 18 decimal places becomes relevant. It also gives advertisers and their agencies a reason to purchase tokens during the crowdsale and hold them to reach even more viewers at a later point in time. Finally, the TTV is a better currency for the ecosystem than any fiat, since it facilitates transactions across boarders and without any fees.


  • Soft Cap: 2,500 ETH
  • Hard Cap: 25,000 ETH
  • Exchange Rate: 1 TTV = 0.035 USD
  • Token Supply for Crowdsale: 500,000,000
  • Sale Launch: 24 May 2018
  • Sale Completion: 24 July 2018

Token Economy:
The Token for Television is an ERC20 token that is divisible to 18 decimal places.
Transactions between advertisers and users as well as between users and content providers are always tied to the Token for Television (TTV). Other cryptocurrencies and fiat can not be used to exchange value between market participants. Advertisers have to acquire TTV during the crowdsale or on exchanges in order to sponsor messages. This fact will sustainably protect the value of the Token for Television.
No additional TTV will be issued after the crowdsale. We will make the Smart Contracts for the operation of the ecosystem open source. This way, participants are able to validate this claim

What sets the Token for Television apart from the Basic Attention Token (BAT)?

Both the Basic Attention Token and the Token for Television are transnational units for advertisers, content providers and consumers. While the team behind the BAT concentrates on managing this triangular relationship on the blockchain for desktop and mobile devices, we work on the Television ecosystem. A market that is equally large, but much less digitized. In contrast to BAT, we believe that the consumer should be able to sell the tokens he or she acquired through the application in order to monetarily profit from the transaction.

This will increase the velocity of the TTV and strengthen our token economy. On the topic of privacy: While we personally sympathize with BAT’s focus on protecting personal data of users, we feel that it is wrong not to provide market participants with the chance to opt-in to data sharing that improves relevance of sponsored videos and increases the utility for advertisers, content providers and consumers. Despite the differences, we feel that the BAT team and we are fighting the same battle: for a better user experience, more quality content and higher relevance. Therefore, we want to ask supporters of BAT and those who were looking to participate in their crowdsale to consider TV-TWO.


More Infomation


Author: Hoangbinmcc

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