in twelvequestions •  7 years ago 

Thanks alot @bethalea!!

Be careful what you ask for

So here goes

What three meals would you have before heading to the International Space Station?

Three? Is this like for 3 days before? I don't need 3 meals in 1 day. That's why you have 75% fat people in the world today. That and they don't eat real food. They eat that boxed crap they call food. My one meal would be a selection of in season fruits (love pineapples) and vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes, avocados, lettuce). And since I still like a good steak occasionally, a medium well small ribeye would do the trick.

What section of the newspaper would you be in?

I don't care. Unless it is a small town newspaper, then I would be on the front page with the headline "LOCAL ANONYMOUS PHILANTHROPIST PROVIDES FOOD FOR LIFE TO ALL RESIDENTS".

If you were immortal, at what age would you choose to stop aging, and why?

If I were immortal, I wouldn't want to stop aging. I wouldn't care what I looked like, my brain would be my best asset.

What sport would you compete in, if you were in the Olympics?

I would be a referee in beach volleyball. Can't beat the scenery.

If you had to go back in time to live the rest of your life, where/when would you go?

Since I would prefer not to be around people, I would probably be on a small island somewhere warm. The south pacific sounds nice. Early 1900s.

If time and money were no barrier, what would you create?

I would build a wall around the sahara desert and put every single politician in the middle of it.

Have you ever completed anything on your bucket list?

I don't have a bucket list. There is your answer.

What would be the most surprising scientific discovery ever?

Surprising? Not much surprises me. How about they find out that people really aren't as stupid as they sound?

Are you a good witch or a bad witch?

I am definitely a good witch.

If you had to teach a class on one thing, what would it be?


Which band/artist - dead or alive - would play at your funeral?

I don't want music at my funeral. Instead I want a comedian, THE comedian, Sam Kinison, to perform his act at my funeral. I want to leave them laughing or shocked. Either way, they will remember Sam.

What book/movie recently read/seen would you recommend and why?

Haven't read a book or seen a new movie recently. Don't know any, really. Do you want me to make one up?

I nominate my most recent follows to do this challenge: @snwolak, @aluce, and @darkcentinel.

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ahahahahahaa, YAASS!! you're amazing, this is great. :)

and your tagging is sublime ;)
