
Oh My Jevan, Skottee! That was close. We'd have been destroyed had you been a fraction of a second latter.

What Happened Captain? This was supposed to be just a routine scouting trip.

Yes, It was supposed to be, but we lost power and communications. We were lucky to have just enough emergency power to make it to ground. We crash landed in one of their back yards in some bushes. The greenery softened the landing, otherwise we'd be mush right now. And damn me, Skottee, we'll never paint our scouting ships to look like one of their balls again.

But sir....

I know. I know, we're supposed to go among them without them knowing it. It was a great idea to mask us like one of their balls but it almost got us killed. We crashed into the greenery and it wasn't but a moment before one of their terrible pet creatures spotted us and took us up in his mouth. Jevan! We thought we were dead. The whole ship almost collapsed, and we could see right down the creatures gullet. And he shook us! One second later we'd have been out of our seats and we'd have been...well, we never would have made it.

How did you get out of his mouth Captain?

He took us to one of his young masters and dropped us on the ground. The young master picked us up and threw us to
another young one. Back and forth, back and forth. Frankly, Skottee, we crapped ourselves., Captain. I can see that...and smell it too.

Well, you'd have shat yourself too. But let me finish first, then we'll get these suits off. They were throwing us back and forth like I said and then we were thrown too high and went over into the next back yard and fell right into one of there outdoor bathing ponds. We had but a moment of rest then water started pouring in. The shell of the ship had been so damaged that it was breached. We began sinking. I thought we were dead. Then one of the female parent creatures that was bathing came over an grabbed us. Skottee, the mammary glands on these creatures! Huge, Skottee, absolutely huge!


Then what happened sir?

To the mammary glands?

No sir. What happened next?

Oh, yes, anyway, she picked us up and threw us back over into the other yard.

Well we landed back on some greenery and we thought we might have a moment to open the hatch and escape but we were so mashed up and disoriented we just sat there in our seats catching our breath. Then one of the male parent masters came out and picked us up and put us in a bag. We just caught a glimpse of two other balls that looked just like our ship. Then the bag closed and it was pitch black. We could sense motion but had no idea where we were going. Just minutes later we heard the roar of one of their vehicles. They were taking us somewhere. We had just enough emergency lighting to get sorted out just a bit. Found our com links, thank Jevan. But then we were moving again. More violently this time and then we crashed to the ground, or so we thought.

Then what sir? Did you escape?

Oh, no Skottee. No, things got worse.

Worse sir?

Oh yes. Much worse. The bag opened and we fell out with the other balls that looked just like our ship and of course things were so violent that we dropped our com links. We didn't dare get out of our seats to look for them, and then the male parent creature picked up one of the balls and tossed it in the air and whacked it with this huge wood club. It went sailing off into the air and was chased by the pet creature that had us in the very beginning. Then the old master picked up another ball and whacked it. And the pet went chasing after that one. We knew we were next.

The master picked us up. Thats when we pissed ourselves, Skottee. We knew we were done for.

Yes, Captain. I can see, had a bit of a...problem there. But you must have found your com link!

I knew we were done for if I couldn't find the com link. So I got out of my restraints and started crawling around the cabin looking for one. Then the master tossed us up in the air and was going to whack us. He swung and missed and we fell to the ground. I 'bout broke my wretched neck. But as Jevan would have it a com link fell right next to me. Then we were picked up again and tossed in the air.

Thats when I screamed, "BEAM US UP Skottee" BEAM US UP!"

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