The end is neigh, er, nigh.

in twentyseventeen •  7 years ago  (edited)

The end is neigh, er, nigh. 2017 that is.

Happy New Year and the end of the 2017 Dark Winter Solstice fortnight of festive celebrations of the light returning with longer days. It culminates with Earth's Perihelion with Sol on 2 Jan 2018 at 9:34pm pst... after that point the Earth has turned the corner on the grand ellipse and is headed out away from Sol till the summer opposite cornering of the grand ellipse and the return of shorter days. Anyway that's the reason for the seasons festivities, longer days and the return of Sol's daylight hours... everyone wanted in on these parties. Enjoy. Arrive alive.

Now that the end of 2017 is nigh it's a good time to review your year, what you accomplished, what you didn't accomplish, the twists and turns of 2017 in your life and those that are important to you, the twists in the world that directly affected you, the twists and turns of 2017, what are they in your life?

The end is neight, 2017 that is v001.png

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