Seems I have raised the ire of a lot of friends in my "tentative" support of Elon Musk's purchase of Twitter. I say "tentative" because while I want to believe Musk's own words about wanting to provide a social medium with "free speech" as provided under the law, I too have a very strong revulsion against AI technology and connecting the human being to computerized networks with brain implants. Completely comprehending the transhumanism movement is somewhat above my pay grade, but the idea of becoming a cyborg with a prolonged life doesn't even make sense given the circumstances we now face such as a pending economic depression, famine and war.
How does one make any sense of any of it unless referencing the globalist controllers' goal of The Great Reset? In that context, AI and transhumanism is part of the goal and everything about that goal is nefarious as it concerns ordinary people because it all leads towards total enslavement. If Elon Musk is a good guy, which most believe he is not, how can he be part of it?
Why are these Musk's own words?
"WE must have democratization of AI, but that is not the way the world is going. AI is more dangerous than nuclear weapons.
Nobody is watching out for the safety of the public. This is a public threat. It must be regulated now in terms of development. This is extremely important!
Narrow AI is not a threat to humans. Lost jobs and military weaponry development will happen but it is not a threat to the species, whereas digital superintelligence is!
If humanity collectively decides that if digital superintelligence is the way to go, then humanity must be very careful. Very, Very careful!"
In any event, at the moment, I am only focused on the Twitter purchase. I have been shadowbanned on twitter for what I imagine is claptrap participation offending nobody but bigoted sensibilities. It has all become commonplace, but the only word for it is, "censorship" and the crushing of any views which run counter to "official narratives". In short, we are already cyborgs in that our thoughts and actions are under tight media control.
Twitter has banned a sitting POTUS, just about every medical professional and scientist who have presented alternative views to the official R o n a narrative, and currently has banned most foreign and domestic publications which present an alternate view about what is really happening in Ukraine -- just for examples.
Twitter also famously banned the NY Post for printing the Hunter Biden laptop story prior to the last election, clearly election interference. Most recently, Twitter banned the Babylon Bee, a satire news site which generally mocks MSM and "wokeness". The list goes on and on.
Major stockholders of Twitter are Vanguard and Blackrock and a Saudi Prince, the collective multi-trillions in wealth which essentially own governments and media around the world. These have been the safe guarders, or rather controllers, of truth.
So Musk went up against them, and under the laws and rules of stewardship, the Board of Directors apparently have really no recourse but to accept his most generous offer of $54.20/share which was 38% above the existing share price on 4/1 (April Fools Day -- not to mention "420" being toke up time). Now the same media that has been censoring us for years is flailing against Musk and his Twitter purchase and will likely do all they can to destroy him. It's certainly not over yet.
Nothing in this world makes much sense to me anymore. However, I find this Twitter story intriguing and am curious as to how it will all end up. Maybe it will ultimately just become another "story" used to distract and entertain us, and keep us divided against each other, while behind the scenes, the shit truly is hitting the fan? Maybe Musk really is just "one of them" and is just playing a role? Maybe there is not one single human on this small ball careening through space that we can trust to tell us the truth about anything? Certainly this is the direction we are heading.