Twitter bans me for speaking truth! But let's not bother the pedos with those pesky rules! Only conservatives seeking justice for children!

in twitter •  6 years ago  (edited)

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Yesterday after I got locked out of twitter from posting a letter concerning the Great Awakening and trying to encourage Patriots and Qarmy. I did a steemit article here

I was able to get back in with verification, but was restricted. I was not happy as stated in yesterday's article because I use professional language, clean content and follow Twitter's rules. Yet, they have no problem allowing pedophilic behavior, jokes and content from celebrities and others. Also insulting was the fact they sent me a list of the rules when I always follow them, yet they allow those breaking not just the rules, but the law are to stay with no harassment from Twitter! Can you imagine if they spent their time tracking down these people displaying their pedo actions and thoughts?

People who still say things like this
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But by all means, send a conservative tweeter those rules! We wouldn't want to bother the pedos with such trivial nonsense! I realize I say this at risk of getting targeted by a certain group of people called the " " mafia! They are generally all over trying to shut people down calling this out for what it is because they want MAP's minor attracted persons to be a protected class and the age of consent dropped to 5 or even lower. Do you see anything wrong with this? Is this fact also under reported by MSM?
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Oddly enough they have a statement addressing what They won't tolerate, but exactly what they do to the conservative voice and those trying to expose criminals harming children!
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Here is where they Pretend to have a Zero Tolerance Policy on child exploitation. Screen Shot 2018-04-17 at 11.35.19 AM.png

They also claim no violence or hateful content is allowed. What has been demonstrated is, They decide what is hateful. It clearly is dependent on what political leanings one adheres to. If it's Kathy Griffen being hateful, speaking of murder concerning our elected President. . .that's okay with them. If it is other's exposing the violence and hate of the left. ..they will lock you out, ban you censor you, place you lower in the search results or even restrict how much of your content is seen and the access you have on their site. Is it their site? Yes, should they be allowed to state they are fair or have a set of rules then not follow them? Where does accountability really come in to play concerning these social media giants? Are they too big for their britches now?

See this video where the Zuck claims to want free expression for everyone, yet people like Diamond and Silk were targeted for no apparent reason other than having opposing political and value beliefs to the patrolling factions facebook hires to monitor and censor content. Just as Diamond and Silk experienced, they were not contacted by anyone from facebook as Zuckerberg claimed. I myself can relate to this is through numerous bans from posting or engaging on my own like minded groups about actual news or my thoughts (none of which were inappropriate or contained language) I was constantly banned and not given a reason or communication beyond how long I would be banned or restricted. This even though I was only engaging with like minded groups and have conservative beliefs which encompass exposing pedophiles. It has been found facebook and their leader are not truthful and no one is holding them accountable.

He claims they are not biased, but has shown otherwise time and time again. He can't keep claiming he isn't aware. That is his job as owner, it is his job to be aware of what his left leaning workers are doing.

Do you feel they should have to adhere to them claiming to be neutral and their claims should be enforced? Or do you think these social media outlets should be allowed to only promote their political bias while blocking known conservative stories, speech and supporters? Should they be allowed to say they are for free speech, then blatantly block it? See how pervasive this pattern is here.

A definite double standard which we have all observed on various platforms as being the norm. Ban and censor the truth tellers and exposers of crimes while allowing pedophiles to proliferate. Is this some type of Conspiracy and Silicon valley/MSM comradery we are not allowed to talk about? Only They are allowed to make inside jokes or give pokes in the eye. Just as Stephen Colbert has done in the past poking fun at pizzagate (really pedogate as it is a global issue) and jokes about pedophiles preying upon children. In 2013 his sister Elizabeth Colbert Busch was running for Democratic nominee for Congress in South Carolina , Her fundraiser was hosted and funded by none other but John and Tony Podesta! Could this be why Colbert tries to debunk something that should be investigated for the safety of the children? Just their art collection alone should tell people the type of character Colbert justifies. DK1dvSAVoAE1uty.jpg

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About a year ago this was placed on Reddit by AgencyFB
"Essentially, Twitter users @0hour, @Eclipse_OW, and @WonderChick were able to create scripts that tracked Twitter accounts posting child pornography and the accounts that followed them. An estimated 25,000 accounts were found related to child pornography, some of which were active for at least a year, if not longer. Soon after the accounts were brought into the public eye, the accounts started to get suspended, but @0hour and @Eclipse_OW had their accounts suspended as well.

When you read various Voat and Reddit threads you will find a great deal of discussion about Ohour experiencing censorship and shut downs by Twitter when this poster was trying to report accounts posting child sex abuse.

People in r/pizzagate are frustrated because from their perspective it appears that Twitter's been focusing more on silencing those with differing politics than making sure their site doesn't have child porn on it."

People trying to gather truth concerning child victims and pedophile rings are harassed, tracked, mocked, banned, degraded and have become the center of focus for MSM reporters to debunk rather than doing their jobs and providing at the bare minimum awareness on the topic of child sex abuse and promoting an investigation. People wanting to protect these child and stop this abuse just want it acknowledged and investigated. This is why a host of citizen journalists set out to report on actual cases right here in the United States and pedophile rings across the globe which involved criminals from the United States. Why did MSM refuse to acknowledge and report on these heinous crimes? Why do they continue to hide events like the law recently signed by our President concerning human traffickers which also involves children?

This has been going on for some time. This is from an article in The Guardian back in 2012
"when it emerged that Twitter accounts were being used to share images of child sexual abuse, I wasn't surprised or shocked – other than that one of the accounts was wide open, with its images for all to see. The account's address was retweeted by a deeply upset friend, with a request to report the offending account to Twitter. I don't support campaigns blindly, so I clicked on the link. I saw a picture of a young boy being raped. I closed the page.
Unfortunately, on Twitter, the only immediate built-in option is to report spam. After a bit of digging, I found that there is a specific email address for reporting this kind of content. I reported the account at 2.54am BST on Thursday morning and received an auto-reply immediately. I posted a tweet asking my followers to trust me on the nature of the content and to report the account to the relevant address. I assumed simply that the more complaints it received, the quicker Twitter would look at the account and act. I added that if it was still there in the morning when I woke up, I would take my account offline.

Twitter attracted a lot of criticism recently when it suspended a British journalist for publishing an NBC executive's email address (it later apologised and reinstated the account). If Twitter was quick to deal with that, I felt sure it would deal with child pornography even more quickly...

When I got up around 10am, seven hours after sending my email to Twitter, the account was still there. I deactivated my own account. I was advised to report the offending feed to the Internet Watch Foundation (IWF), which I did.
Once the IWF had been informed, it kept posting reassurances that something was being done, but that doing it through the relevant authorities took time. Meanwhile, Twitter remained ominously silent.
Finally, late on Thursday afternoon, the account was suspended. An hour or so before the eventual suspension, a news feed representing the Anonymous hackers' collective had directed its followers to report the account. Later, a story on appeared saying that Anonymous had got the account shut within an hour. While Anonymous's involvement might have been crucial, it had surely been preceded by a lot of work by the IWF and various Twitter users.

Then, on Sunday, the Sunday Mirror claimed all of the credit for the shutdown and the arrest of an east London man. Ultimately, it isn't a matter where credit should be sought. All that's required are clear reporting procedures and a greater degree of communication. By saying nothing, Twitter is creating terrible PR for itself, and running the risk of appearing incompetent or worse."

See the entire article here

Why are some of these social media platforms so pedophile friendly while banning and censoring those trying to expose the truth and save the victims? This found in a reddit thread and very apt in stating exactly what many have experienced in trying to get justice for children. The facebook incident he is talking about was a survey they put out this year not too long ago. I did a write up on it here and you can see survey questions. Unbelievable!

Reddit thread concerning social media censoring those wanting justice for victims.
"We all know that these groups are actively sheltering and protecting pedophiles. Here are just a few examples:

We all know that patriots like Craig Sawyer are getting blue check marks removed from Twitter. We know that Liz Cronkin and others have have had similar problems.

We all know that Facebook just tested the water on Pedo grooming the other day. Facebook has a very Pedo friendly outlook apparently.

We know that there were thousands of softcore Pedo videos on Youtube that were finally taken down after outrage about "elsagate". Youtube is a haven for soft core pedo friendly.

We know that videos about whistle-blowers regarding Pedophilia are regularly censored across most major social media networks.

We know that the entire mainstream media was able to "debunk" the entire Pizzagate scandal in only 3 days and regularly attacks people who talk about Pedophilia in the government and media.

2017 was a record breaking year for Pedo/Human Trafficking busts, yet the MSM spends almost no time covering it.

It's almost like all of these groups are occupied by Pedophiles that know they are about to burn. They all seem to think by relentlessly attacking Trump, causing distractions and chaos that they will somehow avoid the hammer from dropping.

Tick tock....tick tock"

In order to see what kinds of tools and methods of communicating are available to these child predators there is a local article here titled Sex traffickers using emojis to sell children! Written back in May 2017

"DENVER -- There are more than 1.5 million victims of human trafficking in the United States, according to law enforcement.

Child sex traffickers are using emoji symbols such as smiley faces to lure young victims.

The FOX31 Problem Solvers learned the symbols are found all over websites such as, where pimps are reportedly known to sell girls and boys as young as 12 and 13 years old for sex.

Masters student Jessica Whitney found a way to crack the emoji code that is used.

“They're a lot harder to detect in a system because you can't just search the keyword,” she said.

See the rest of the article here.

This found on the Ralph Retort where he did a screenshot and logged a tweet that showed exactly the attitude that seems to permeate much of society and believing the act isn't what one should be concerned about, but rather getting caught. This has been an issue since Bill Clinton was in office and consistently got a free pass for his sexual assaults and demeaning behavior towards women. Many of his supporters just laughed it off and justified his behavior teaching our young people. . .It's no big deal, just don't get caught. Here is what was stated in the Ralph Retort, "To make it simple, Twitter has a pedophile problem. If you have the right kind of politics, then you’re allowed to get away with s*** like saying you raped your little stepsister. No, really, you are.

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Here is part of a thread that follows Screen Shot 2018-04-17 at 10.34.52 AM.png

The author states, "He’s not joking at all, people. He fully admitted to raping his stepsister on social media. How in the hell can Twitter justify banning people who bring this factoid up?" You can find the rest of the article here

One only has to do minimal searches to find twitter is indeed allowing plenty of engagement of pedophiles with children. Two highly questionable accounts are Pedo and Pedobear if the names aren't enough, then you just have to look into what they are associated with. Always proceed with caution. This was found on one of the accounts. Screen Shot 2018-04-17 at 2.40.45 PM.png

Some of you may already be familiar with KiK. Some parents have been made aware of the predators who actively seek children out pretending of course to be their friend, gain their trust, then prey upon them. As you know this is extremely dangerous. I did a couple of reports involving incidents world wide last year on my youtube channel.

The same type of grooming techniques are used on twitter as was found in the case of Twitter's virtuous pedophile charged with sexual assault and child pornography. The article found on Dangerous. com states "Police arrested Coulombe after the mother of one of the alleged victims came forward with sexually graphic messages that were exchanged between her child and Coulombe. The texts spanned over several months. Her son said that the relationship then became sexual, according to police detective Brian Cross, who spoke to

“Her son later disclosed the relationship was more than just online contact,” Cross said. “This case is troubling. It leads me to believe a young man was groomed.”
He would state things like this Screen Shot 2018-04-17 at 3.25.05 PM.png

Recently President Trump signed a sex trafficking Bill. This occurred Wednesday April 11, 2018 this bill is needed so victims can bring civil lawsuits against sex-trafficking websites, and to allow prosecution at the state and local level. This coming after, long pointed out by child advocates dedicated to bringing pedophiles and all trafficking predators to justice has finally been seized!
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Those saying Trump isn't doing anything do not realize all that truly is happening behind the scenes because it is not getting the coverage it deserves on MSM. Why is that? Why is there so little concern for exposing these predators who prey upon children. Why has the epidemic known throughout the world as pedogate consistently mocked, denied and hidden by people who claim they are there to report the news? Why do they show such little concern for such evil, outrageous crimes against our most vulnerable? Shouldn't they be concerned about protecting them?
I believe this mom sees firsthand the importance of All President Trump and child advocates are fighting for and taking action on! Why wasn't this action taken under other presidents? Screen Shot 2018-04-17 at 12.59.48 PM.png
Hear her story here

You can read about it here

You can't tell me and other independent reporters this doesn't really happen? How can the media keep turning a blind eye to this epidemic or pretend it's no big deal? They think it isn't in their neck of the woods, but evidence proves it is literally everywhere! Are you going to trust an FBI who gives awards to people providing a platform and way of accessing child victims? These same reporters not doing their job defend the FBI. They refuse to look at evidence or anything that opposes the narrative they've been given. They take their orders from sources and don't do their own research when they hear stories like this, instead they turn a blind eye and mock because they haven't heard it from their corporate companies like Media Matters started by James Alefantis' (lover of infants in French) ex boyfriend David Brock. Could there be a reason this is actively and intentionally covered up and under reported by what used to be trusted MSM sources whether digital or print? Whether greed or pride, it should be cast aside in favor of protecting these victims!

An award was given to Carl Ferrer back in 2011 by Robert Mueller. He is the vice president of Was and is the FBI Robert Mueller, who would have been the Director of the FBI compliant in doing his job, or will it be claimed as negligence? Could it be both? Should someone not doing their job properly be held accountable, or should it just be dismissed?

Award given to Carl Ferrer by Robert Mueller, then FBI Director
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This is what the Washington Post stated about Backpage's Vice President who became Chief Executive.
"Carl Ferrer, the chief executive of whose name was conspicuously absent from an indictment of seven other Backpage officials unsealed Monday, has pleaded guilty in state courts in California and Texas and federal court in Arizona to charges of money laundering and conspiracy to facilitate prostitution. In addition, he agreed to testify against the men who co-founded Backpage with him, Michael Lacey and James Larkin, who remained in jail Thursday in Arizona on facilitating prostitution charges.

Backpage, in addition to hosting thinly veiled ads for prostitution since 2004, was accused of hosting child sex trafficking ads on its site and even assisting advertisers in wording their copy so they didn’t overtly declare that sex was for sale, federal investigators allege."
You can find the rest of the article here

I will be doing a follow up article on Please tell me your feelings and comments on this topic. It is something that President Trump and the Truth Community have been trying to shed a light on for a very long time. Thank God President Trump was elected or the trail would have remained concealed in the manner it has for years! We are truly in the Great Awakening! Godspeed!

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