Twitter and Facebook were obsolete before Steemit we just did not have a better option yet.

in twitter •  8 years ago  (edited)

The obvious censorship/bribery by state sponsored actors on social media has never been more glaring. This is leading many users to "ragequit" social media. Twitter stock is falling and now to bring users back they are streaming NFL games live on Twitter every Thursday. I watch sometimes but I still won't make a Twitter. I am pretty sure Facebook only really exists to collect information from people. How it is still valued at 400 Billion is anybodys guess. I have not had a Facebook account since they banned me for "using a fake name" aka any excuse to ban somebody that does not like Clinton. I doubt I could become facebook(dot)com/matrixdweller if I wanted to. Unless I send them my government issue ID ofcourse. What a hassle. Not only that but I heard some guy named Zuckerberg became a billionaire off the posts and likes we all collectively Facebook'd.. I cashed out 400$ from Steemit and bought a Smith & Wesson. Zuckerberg has yet to buy me lunch. You see the future is sometimes the enemy of the past. In the past Social Media Slumlords collected 100% of the profit generated from their "user content" aka "slaves". Everytime you have a good or funny idea and post it on social media you are doing some work. It might not be much work but it is work and it generates value. Somebody is being paid for that value. If that somebody is not you. That makes you a slave. Join the Free Steemians of the universe. Join Steemit. Just do it.

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Interesting perspective you have. I hope that you're right...

Steem on!

Steem on @matrixdweller.

Well worded title.

and i got years of work on my personal facebook account deleted without warning... the whole account gone just like that.. 4500 connections 4000 followers and half a million fans... gone