Twitter Files drops, Elon's Nightstand, all the Durham's including the Research Triangle and La Cosa Nostra links to JFKjr. Kidnapping. and AI Concerns

in twitterfiles •  2 years ago  (edited)

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Be sure to see a Key Update when you scroll to the bottom regarding #SaveOurChildren, #GuardiansOfChildren and Remember. ..It's Always been about the children!

Be sure to see a Key Update when you scroll to the bottom regarding #SaveOurChildren, #GuardiansOfChildren and Remember. ..It's Always been about the children!

I am banned right now and facebook. . .suspended just as I Still am on Twitter.
I was recently banned after posting a direct connection of Hunter's firm and Epstein.

There was of course this from the Trump White House back around 2021

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For a deeper dive see #KeysToTheKingdom. ..

Here is drop one from the Twitter files I was able to post a few days ago prior to being banned.

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To see the entire thread with other connections and sources click here,

What happened after?

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**The Firing of #JamesBaker that was given as the reason for the 2nd twitter file drop not happening the next night following the first.

See some sourced evidence of the role James Baker played,

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Elon's Nightstand some interesting tells?

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Concerning Elon's nightstand, The Crossing of the Delware and a Deep Dive on Durham and all that it entails!
Now let's get back into that nightstand post as that photo really caught my eye as it was one of the first images in the military intelligence drops that started back in Oct. 28, 2017. . .but that is considered Quite Recent compared to how long many Warriors have been trying to nudge, then shake and all out Shout the public Awake. Quite a resistant public at times though.

As per this article you are reading a reply in I did two years ago. . .there are Many reasons what was photographed and sent out by Elon caught my attention. . .

Durham boats, Durham Research Triangle Area and Durham Background. How do you steer a Durham boat? A good rower of a Durham Boat should always be abiden his time!

Another connecting facebook frames thread found here with sources,

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Found inside the frames as you click in side bar.
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For the first time, scientists have used the gene-editing technique CRISPR to try to edit a gene while the DNA is still inside a person's body.

The groundbreaking procedure involved injecting the microscopic gene-editing tool into the eye of a patient blinded by a rare genetic disorder, in hopes of enabling the volunteer to see. They hope to know within weeks whether the approach is working and, if so, to know within two or three months how much vision will be restored.

"We're helping open, potentially, an era of gene-editing for therapeutic use that could have impact in many aspects of medicine," Pierce tells NPR.

A Young Mississippi Woman's Journey Through A Pioneering Gene-Editing Experiment

The CRISPR gene-editing technique has been revolutionizing scientific research by making it much easier to rewrite the genetic code. It's also raising high hopes of curing many diseases.

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Goes into FIVEYES
As there was evidence UK intel had assisted in the FIVEYES spying and attempts to unseat an elected president May attempted to save herself by getting rid of Hannigan.

Notice it's for "personal reasons."

Britain's spy chief Robert Hannigan quits for 'personal reasons' after just three years in the job

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Facebook Frames The Corona Satellites and Contact Tracers go directly below and/or see highlights in this article.

Part of the info in the frames thread above all documented and sourced.

  • used for photographic surveillance of the Soviet Union (USSR), the People's Republic of China, and other areas beginning in June 1959 and ending in May 1972.
  • produced and operated by the Central ***** Agency Directorate of Science & Technology with substantial assistance from the U.S. Air Force.
  • CORONA started under the name "DISCOVERER" as part of the WS-117L satellite reconnaissance and protection program of the US Air Force in 1956.
  • The WS-117L was based on recommendations and designs from the RAND Corporation.
  • The United States Air Force credits the Onizuka Air Force Station (then called Sunnyvale Air Force Station) as being the "birthplace of the CORONA program"
  • In May 1958, the Department of Defense directed the transfer of the WS-117L program to Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA).
  • In FY1958, WS-117L was funded by the USAF at a level of US$108.2 million (inflation adjusted US$0.96 billion in 2020).
  • According to John N. McMahon, the total cost of the CORONA program amounted to $US 850 million.
  • The CORONA project was pushed forward rapidly following the shooting down of a U-2 spy plane over the Soviet Union on 1 May 1960.
  • Film was retrieved from orbit via a reentry capsule (nicknamed "film bucket"), designed by General Electric, which separated from the satellite and fell to Earth. After the fierce heat of reentry was over, the heat shield surrounding the vehicle was jettisoned at 60,000 feet (18 km) and parachutes deployed. The capsule was intended to be caught in mid-air by a passing airplane towing an airborne claw which would then winch it aboard, or it could land at sea.
  • A salt plug in the base would dissolve after two days, allowing the capsule to sink if it was not picked up by the United States Navy.
  • After Reuters reported on a reentry vehicle's accidental landing and discovery by Venezuelan farmers in mid-1964, capsules were no longer labeled "SECRET" but offered a reward in eight languages for their return to the United States.

See more in link
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Did a Connection to this and Hunter's connection to Epstein here,
Check it out here,

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Check it out in under 7 min. Fully Sourced,
Dark To Light, the Biden Corruption

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Check it OUT. . .FB suspended me for this too. ..for talking specifically about La Cosa Nostra EVEN though they have a Facebook Page!
Can you believe the Blatant Hypocrisy of these people?
Of Course you can!

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Facebook Frames Kidnapping Attempt of JFKjr and a letter allegedly from Jr stating the then Sen. Biden was a Traitor Verified in the FBI Vault Evidence and source links given.

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Durham Boats

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THESE are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine
patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands
it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not
easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict,
the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is
dearness only that gives everything its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper
price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as
FREEDOM should not be highly rated. Britain, with an army to enforce her tyranny,
has declared that she has a right (not only to TAX) but "to BIND us in ALL CASES
WHATSOEVER," and if being bound in that manner, is not slavery, then is there not
such a thing as slavery upon earth. Even the expression is impious; for so unlimited a
power can belong only to God.

See more in the above link.

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AI Concerns
I don't know about you, but when I hear about merging humanity with tech, that is a Huge Red Flag for me.

Am I saying I am against tech?
Clearly I am not or I would not be engaging with you on here.

I have always stated, it is not the technology in and of itself that is evil, it is who is behind it.
Who is programming it.
What is their intent?

Generally people's actions show their intent.
Their intentions come from the heart.
Are they about love of humanity or nefarious purposes?

Scripture tells us this,
Matthew 15:18
“But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart; and they defile the man.”

Proverbs 3:3-4
King James Version
3 Let not mercy and truth forsake thee: bind them about thy neck; write them upon the table of thine heart:

4 So shalt thou find favour and good understanding in the sight of God and man.

Matthew 6:21
King James Version
21 For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.

Now Elon reminds your phone is already an extension of you.
This is likely the case for many people, but not necessarily ALL.

Elon states, "Most people don't even realize they are all ready a Cyborg."
Is this true or only true for some?

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Elon states, "it's just that the data rate between you and your device is slow, it's very slow."

He says, "it could be terrible and it could be great, it's not clear."

"One thing is for sure, we will not control it."

Elon feels the merge scenario is probably the best for humans and he says, "If you can't beat it, join it."

Is this the best and safest idea?

Elon says, this is the purpose of Neuralink from a long term existential standpoint,
to create a high bandwidth interface such that we can be simbotic with AI."

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Elon says we have a bandwidth problem, we can't communicate through fingers, it's too slow.

Perhaps the one who created humanity didn't plan on them communicating through their fingers, but instead through their God given abilities.

According to Elon, the average person who doesn't see killer robots going down the streets doesn't know what we are talking about.

The response from Elon is, "man, we want to Make Sure we don't have killer robots going down the street.
Once their going down the street, it is too late!

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So I started this

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#ElonMusk, #TwitterFiles, #TheTwitterFiles, #Revolution, #RepublicReborn, #FreeSpeech, #Durham, #ResearchTriangle, #CRISPR, #GeneEditing, #DurhamBoats, #TheAmericanRevolution, #LaCosaNostra, #JFKjr, #JFKjrKidnapping, #CoronaSatellites, #Twitter, #SenatorJoeBiden, #Traitor, #DrainTheSwamp, #CrossingOfTheDeleware

A tie in can be found in my thread here from 11.2022 on #AscensionIsland

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As per Ascension. ..from latest mil intel drop. . . Check out some other specifics on Ascension. ..yes there are Multiples. ..there is the healthcare I demonstrated evidence of in the thread when you click on the photos.

There is the remote volcanic island in the South Atlantic Ocean
where you will find in Georgetown it's Capitol,

Wideawake Island
Cat Hill
Travellers Island
Two Boats
and other interesting finds!
For example, the island also contains two military bases,

RAF [Royal Air Force]
USAF [United States Air Force]
You will also find,
a runway at Wideawake Airfield
a BBC Relay Station

Note #AscensionIsland was garrisoned by the British Army in the early 1800's. Wasn't there a certain Ingersoll Lockwood book written in the 1800's? That's interesting.

You will find that During World War II, the United States military built an airbase on the island.
Remember the base built on an island connecting to a submarine base located directly across from #Epstein Island or shall a say One of Epstein's islands? You Remember! I'll drop some verification in this photo frames thread you can see when you click through.

There is more. ..this will also go into yet another Ascension related to sacred geometry and the ark of the covenant. ..not yet as Thanksgiving festivities are at my house this year.

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See more connections in here,

#DoYouRemember ?

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#EMS, #TheStormIsUponUs, #MyFellowAmericans

UPDATE on 12.11.2022 here,
Thank you Great Warrior Grace Landry for these first two info shots. . .aka MsPat and the Federalist Papers dot org link! Fantastic!

See more on TS here

What a STELLAR share on #TruthSocial!

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Do you think Wired gets that they WEREN'T Doing their JOB before!

Pretty much NOT at all!

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Thank you #ElonMusk, as they banned All #GuardiansOfChildren years ago!

Elon Musk tweeted that the issue of child sexual exploitation content is "priority #1" for Twitter.

Musk was responding to a tweet that said he was addressing the issue of CSE content on Twitter.

Twitter was in a major child safety lawsuit in 2021 after failing to remove CSE content from its platform.

Elon Musk said that the problem of child sexual exploitation content on Twitter being easily available is a top concern.

Twitter user EvaFoxU, followed by Musk, tweeted "Elon Musk has begun addressing the issue of posting child sexual exploitation content on Twitter after years of the platform's inactivity on the subject under past management," with a link to an article by Tesmanian interviewing Eliza Bleu, a survivor of human trafficking and an advocate for victims.

Musk responded to the tweet saying that the issue is "Priority #1."

Bleu told Tesmanian that "the new management of the company takes the CSE problem seriously," emphasizing that the three main hashtags used to sell child sexual abuse content on Twitter have been cleared since Musk's takeover.

Insider found that Twitter had removed most of the content using these hashtags, but there were still some tweets requesting CSE content.

Bleu also said that Twitter had added a direct reporting option for child sexual exploitation on tweets with images or videos. Insider was able to verify this, and found that when reporting a tweet, users can now select the option of "child sexual exploitation" as the reason for the report.

Wow on This. . .

See a related post here,

Hear the Audio here in updated link from Grace, aka MsPat on #TruthSocial

#Twitter, #Bombshell, #BoomBoomBoom, #ChildSexTrafficking, #SaveOurChildren, #ElonMusk

UPDATE on 12.11.2022 here,
Thank you Great Warrior Grace Landry for these first two info shots. . .aka MsPat and the Federalist Papers dot org link! Fantastic!

See more on TS here

What a STELLAR share on #TruthSocial!

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Do you think Wired gets that they WEREN'T Doing their JOB before!

Pretty much NOT at all!

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Thank you #ElonMusk, as they banned All #GuardiansOfChildren years ago!

Elon Musk tweeted that the issue of child sexual exploitation content is "priority #1" for Twitter.

Musk was responding to a tweet that said he was addressing the issue of CSE content on Twitter.

Twitter was in a major child safety lawsuit in 2021 after failing to remove CSE content from its platform.

Elon Musk said that the problem of child sexual exploitation content on Twitter being easily available is a top concern.

Twitter user EvaFoxU, followed by Musk, tweeted "Elon Musk has begun addressing the issue of posting child sexual exploitation content on Twitter after years of the platform's inactivity on the subject under past management," with a link to an article by Tesmanian interviewing Eliza Bleu, a survivor of human trafficking and an advocate for victims.

Musk responded to the tweet saying that the issue is "Priority #1."

Bleu told Tesmanian that "the new management of the company takes the CSE problem seriously," emphasizing that the three main hashtags used to sell child sexual abuse content on Twitter have been cleared since Musk's takeover.

Insider found that Twitter had removed most of the content using these hashtags, but there were still some tweets requesting CSE content.

Bleu also said that Twitter had added a direct reporting option for child sexual exploitation on tweets with images or videos. Insider was able to verify this, and found that when reporting a tweet, users can now select the option of "child sexual exploitation" as the reason for the report.

Wow on This. . .

See a related post here,

Hear the Audio here in updated link from Grace, aka MsPat on #TruthSocial

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See more information here,
#Durham, #DurhamBoats, #ResearchTriangle,

Durham boats, Durham Research Triangle Area and Durham Background. How do you steer a Durham boat? A good rower of a Durham Boat should always be abiden his time!
