Source behind LIMITED funds OR Acknowledging Doreen Dotan's noble efforts (identifying The Bosses)

in two-witnesses •  4 years ago  (edited)

The association empowers associates with LIMITED funding to enable collaborations with groups and/or partnerships in order to reunite families, expand mission goals, AND enable unity and fairness. This particular post reviews and identifies the significant aspects from sidereal perspective.

Three-hundred-ten page recording for Public Records is to keep balance and mutuality through conscientious actions in relationships (Libra). This recording lets go of unhealthy default patterns, and enables loss (South Node) by healing self and others through redeeming physical and instinctual natures (Ophiuchus-13th astrological sign notable in sidereal astrology) in matters relating to working with natural world (second house).

The recording envisions what is possible, and enables expansive worldview (Jupiter/yang complements Neptune's yin), and eliminates deep emotional attachments and enables transformation (Pluto ℞ supported by Mars), and structures our lives and enables patient hard-work and responsibility (Saturn Station Direct) by exploring life and life's purpose (Sagittarius) in matters relating to rational mind and communicating with and learning from others (third house).

The recordings' Ic/astrological DNA builds legacy through discipline, patience and perseverance (Capricorn) AND received inner awareness and enables physiological receptivity (Moon) in matters relating to feelings and to caring for and nurturing others (fourth house).
beautiful day.PNG
The recording releases the unknown and enables unconditional acceptance in life (Neptune ℞ yin complements Jupiter's yang) AND heals wounds, and enables redemption and rejuvenation (Chiron ℞), by seeking and finding inner peace through connecting with ebb and flow of life (Pisces) in matters related to self-expression, passion, and creativity (fifth house).

The recording pursues self-preservation and enables self-determined action (Mars ℞ fortifies Pluto) by seeking and finding inner peace through connecting with ebb and flow of life (Pisces), AND liberates from stasis and enables revolutionary change (Uranus ℞ the 'string' for Sun's kite') by growing self-awareness and confidence through asserting will into world (Aries) in matters relating to improvement of self, crafts, environment, and helping others improve (sixth house).

The recording learns healthy character development and enables growth (North Node ℞) by cultivating self-reliance and enjoyment of values through working with natural world (Taurus) in matters relating to transparency, healing, and depth of life (eighth house).

The recording's Mc/Public Reputation connects to who and what we value, and enables material and interpersonal enjoyment (Venus) by expressing self through creativity, playfulness, and sharing who one is with others (Leo) in matters relating to legacy, life's work, and public life (tenth house).

Dotan's video upload (May 30, 2018) "Meet the Rothschilds' Bosses 1"

The recording emits outer awareness and enables vital life-force energy (Sun) by developing skills and abilities through improving self, environment, and helping others improve (Virgo) in matters related to groups, community, and causes (eleventh house).

The recording synerizes and assimilates and enables interactive learning (Mercury) by developing skills and abilities through improving self, environment, and helping others improve (Virgo) in matters related to inner peace, and connectedness (twelfth house).

Dotan's follow-up upload (June 3, 2018) "Meet Rothschilds' Bosses 2"

​The first large document recording executed on June 9, 2020 and supports the US Congressional testimony over the technology CEOs

For those seeking to heal self and others, finding this post empowers man to fulfill his/her private mission. To receive LIMITED funds

Serving the Servants (four more locations added): State 1 completed. This re-uploaded video confirms man's collective action to align and take out the Bosses. Notice to Agent is notice to Principal. The particular wording included in the Public Recording: NOTICE TO DEBTOR ORGANIZATIONS IS NOTICE TO PRINCIPAL.

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