The more fluid national state borders become under the influence of globalization shaping the world system, the more important gains the role and position of regions. The currently common tendency in Europe to rationalize the role of national space and to “create” regions signals and emphasizes the importance of regional socio-economic systems, not only in the European regions.
Regional sustainable development, characterize the ecological sustainable development at the regionally level with being applicable. This study evaluated in theory and practice at the level of regional sustainable development concept. First of all cases are dealt with within the framework of sustainable development, traditional approaches are then examined new approaches and models that allow for regional assessments in recent years. Finally, both the European Union level, some examples of the different regional sustainable development practices at national level.
General Explanation of Economic Development
Approximately the desired way of economic development of a nation is to regulate the national economy as a whole. More broadly in the development of a society in economic, defined as any desired changes and developments in the social and political field. Historically, the development, the reduction of large emerging countries called underdeveloped extent of human suffering and to mobilize the potential to improve the material well-being includes means. Development is a process with a goal and also the causal relationship is striving to get the country.
Identify with a people-oriented development, which means the creation of the necessary conditions for the realization of human personality. This vineyard development context, people's poverty, unemployment and considered as a concept linked to a reduction in criteria resulting in inequality. Despite the efforts here, it should be noted the fact that the definition of the concept of development is quite difficult. Which means that these concepts can be understood as a whole, depending on the conditions and the emergence of development economics have installed the development of the theory developed in the aftermath; very large, complex, and is a concept with different meanings.