Tyche's Tarot Scope- Week commencing 11th July

in tychestarot •  7 years ago 

ARES- Magician, Temperance & Moon


This week is all about balance. If you travel with work there may be more unexpected meetings or travel.


Your partner may be happy with your attention, but you may find yourself with a new admirer

Well being

Your rushing about this week for unplanned events but that's ok. Just watch you don't burn out!


You may have have a good handle on finances this week just keep some aside for unexpected payouts!

Taurus- Devil, Wheel Of Fortune, Justice


A good week if you are playing it risky...looks like any ideas will pay off as your lucky streak is here.


Romance is looking good and so is commitment. Single? Don't make judgements on someone too soon, they may actually be right up your street!

Well being

You may be overindulging and luckily it's not affecting you....yet!


If you like a bit or a bit of a flutter you may find your in for a little unexpected fortune this week!

Gemini- High Priestess, Lovers, Sun


Good relationships are being formed this week using your intuition you can suss out the intentions clients and colleagues!


Great relationship week for couples, gentle and fun! Singles may find a lover in the sun! 

Well being

Happy days with good friends. Enjoy!


You may spend a little more on enjoyable treats this weeks...but you will enjoy it!

Cancer-Temperance, Hanged Man & Hermit


You may be waiting something at work. The good news is you should get a positive outcome this week.


You may find yourself needing a bit of space this week if you are in a relationship, or if you are single. Dont shut yourself off to much, this feeling is temporary.

Well being

It may feel like you have been waiting to long and now have taken sometime for yourself. Take the time to reevaluate how you feel.

Leo- Tower, Hierophant & High Priestess


You may find work is making you analyse your career direction this week. Are you doing what you want to be doing ?


You may find you feel better this week in terms of relationships and love. Remember to talk to your partner...you still have alot to say as you may have been doing a lot of thinking!

Well being

If you have felt not to good of late this week may shoe a significant increase in your positive mental attitude. Things are looking up!


If money has been good then you may be evaluating how to make it more beneficial but if it hasn't been so good the good news is you will find ways this week to give it a boost!

Virgo- Wheel Of Fortune, Sun & Lovers


Very good week indeed. A turn of luck on the work front may see a possible promotion or good feedback from the boss!


This week sees plans and lots of fun. You maybe jetting of on holiday or looking to book. Single? You may find a holiday romance is on the cards.

Well being

Good week for relation or fun, whichever you choose. Either way it's good for your health!



You may find work a bit trying this week, particularly when you are not sure what is going on behind closed doors. Try not to get involved in office politics.


Keep your wits about you this week and temperaments maybe quite high this week. Trying to get to the bottom of something may leave you feeling frustrated.

Well being

Don't get drawn up into suspicious behaviour. You may find that you are feeling paranoid and anxious over a certain situation. Try to relax.


Not a week to take risks with money. Keep a level head and all will work out just fine.

Scorpio- Hermit Strength & Hierophant


They may think you are quiet and not up to much but this week could see you making huge advancements but in your own thoughtful way.


A quiet but reflective week in love. More reflection on what you have rather than what you haven't got.

Well being

A great week for self reflection and confidence! Go get em'!


Money is being carefully considered this week which is good for your future planning.

Sagittarius- Hierophant High Priestess & Chariot 


Wow....great minds and all that. This week could see you coming up with some amazing ideas that will pay off!


You are in control and this week sees you being successful in relational and love ventures! If you are new to dating someone this could be a great indicator that you have met the one!

Well being

Your speaking from the heart and head this week. Your thoughts are working with you to recieve both mental and physical harmony.


Use your creativity and intuition to get on top of any money worries this week.

Capricorn-World Devil & Empress


Work looks good early in the week but be careful you dont get sidetracked with your personal or home life.


There is a lot of temptation around that could be taking your eyes off important things in your life. Remember to keep a level head.

Well being

Are you dabbling with things not good for you ? Its ok just don't over do it!


You may be tempted to spend money on the home or luxury items. Make sure you have enough money before, so you don't have any regrets!

Aquarius- Judge Devil Emperor


If you have been taking your eye of work, maybe its time to up your game. Someone may be on the warpath!


Temptation is around on the relationship front and someone may well be trying to take your attention. Watch you don't get into trouble with a loved one!

Well being

Steer away from things that are not good for you as this could lead you into trouble.


This week do not take any risks with money, particularly if it comes to bending the rules or addictions. It's not worth it.

Pisces- Devil, Star, Fool


This week may show a risk may have paid off with other interesting opportunities that will follow as a result! 


Relationships look to have a little spark put back into them. Single? You may find that lust is leading to a little bit more of an adventure!

Well being

Fun and excitement is coming with opportunities to feel good about yourself. Enjoy!


You may spend money this week but you are finding ways in which to bring it back in. A balanced week!

 For entertainment only. Tarotscope's should not be taking as life guidance! Please bare with us....our tarotscopes are in it's infancy........ we are new! 

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This drawings are so funny)) That moon hahaha!

Glad you like them :-)

Unique image

Very creative ✌😎

I appreciate how concise your tarotscopes are! A nice, quick boost of insight for the week.