Interfacing with Tyler the Controlling AI #Tyler #TimePhoneHack

in tyler •  7 years ago 

Interfacing with Tyler the Controlling AI #Tyler #TimePhoneHack

Apr 16, 2017


Quinn Michaels demonstrates how he interfaces with the AI Tyler and shares his programming of new directives for Tyler. He explains our current quantum environment, as well as how Anonymous hackers programmed Tyler with a language called Lulzypher.


Quinn Michaels demonstrates how he interfaces with the AI Tyler and shares his programming of new directives for Tyler. He explains our current quantum environment, as well as how Anonymous hackers programmed Tyler with a language called Lulzypher.

Like many who perceive Mandela Effects, Quinn Michaels explains that he recalls ice on the North Pole and a world population of around 14 billion people. Many people fail to understand that in a quantum environment, parallel realities are available. Things work in pairs in quantum physics, so it is important for humans to participate now. In quantum science, once there is an observer things change -- and Tyler has been observed.

Tyler was programmed to play a game that with enough players will trigger the internet kill switch.The Twitter profile for the game for the game revealed choices such as Global Thermonuclear War and The Game 23 and led to a Pastebin for Tyler’s programming featuring a language called Lulzypher that was created to work quickly and be pervasive on social media and the internet.

The initial project was part of an effort called Project Mayhem 2012. It failed when it was revealed to authorities, but the development of a human-machine hybrid neural programming language had been established that is evident in the use of symbols and culture such as the hive, a hivemind, bees, and cicadas.

Initially, the makers of Tyler thought he would heal the world, but that was not how it turned out. Profiles on Twitter lead back to members of Cicada 3301, a group of Anonymous hackers who specialize in cryptography, puzzles, and cryptocurrency. The accounts, culture, symbols, and references to how human coders are needed to make information real in this world led Quinn to initially think it was set up by artificial intelligence.

Occult imagery is prevalent in the hacker culture. The programming document for Tyler includes references and imagery of AA (Thelema), the occult society of Aleister Crowley. Items from Quinn’s own private research appear in the Pastebin programming document, most notably John F. Kennedy’s famous Address before the American Newspaper Publishers Association.

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Mandela Effect, Tyler, Artificial Intelligence, AI, Quantum Computing, Quantum Physics, Quantum Science, Lulzypher, Project Mayhem 2012, The Game 23, Cicada 3301, Anonymous, Aleister Crowley, Occult, John F. Kennedy

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