Avoid Sugary Foods Like Sweets and Soda
Food sources which are made from processed sugar (such as desserts, candy and soda) are considered to be poor carbs. Not only do these refined starches lack nutritional value, they also cause a sharp spike in your blood sugar. Your body then makes extra insulin to reduce your glucose levels. Insulin is a fat storing synthetic, and with extra insulin in your blood, your body changes the carbs to fat and stores them on your bum, thighs, mid-area, and hips.
Rather than sweets, eat fruits like apples, berries, pears, or oranges, which contain a great deal of fiber to slow down the absorption of glucose.
Drink Flavored Seltzer Rather Than Fruit Juice
While fiber-rich whole fruits are considered to be healthy carbs for diabetics, fruit juices are a different story. People with diabetes should make an effort not to drink juice, even if they are 100% pure. Although fruit juices may have a bigger number of supplements and minerals than soda and other sweet drinks, they still have concentrated proportions of natural sugar which can elevate glucose levels rapidly. In addition, fruit juice doesn't contain the same fiber found in whole fruits.
Snack on Fresh Fruit Instead of Dried Fruit
Although dried fruit contains fiber and nutrients, they do not contain water, making it easier to eat more. They will also cause your glucose levels to spike. Rather eat whole fruits which are high in fiber, as these will slow down the rise in blood glucose levels.
Replace White Carbs With Whole Grains
Big transgressors on the poor quality carb list are refined starches, such as white rice and anything made with white flour (including white bread and pasta). These "white" carbs act like sugar once your body begins to process them, and they will raise your glucose levels.
Rather choose whole grains (such as brown or wild rice, grains, oats, high-fiber cereals, and whole grain breads) for carbs that don’t badly affect glucose levels.
Pick Low-Fat Over Full-Fat Dairy
Research has found that eating high amounts of saturated fats may raise cholesterol and raise the risk of cardiac disease. Try to avoid full-fat dairy things made with whole milk (cream, full-fat yoghurts, frozen yogurt, cream cheddar, other full-fat cheeses, etc.) Rather choose reduced fat or fat free dairy products. The American Heart Association recommends that everyone should draw near to 5 to 6 percent of their calories from saturated fat, and this is even more relevant for type 2 diabetics.
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Lean Proteins Over Fatty Cuts of Meat
Avoid high-fat cuts of meat including ground beef burgers, bologna, wieners, hotdogs, bacon and ribs. Like full-fat dairy products, they're high in saturated fats which raise cholesterol and cause inflammation throughout the body. Diabetic people are at significantly greater risk for coronary disease and should therefore only consume lean proteins such as skinless chicken and turkey, fish and shellfish, pork tenderloin, and lean burger.
Limit Packaged Snacks and Baked Goods
Alongside all the sugar, white flour, sodium, and added substances which they contain, packaged snacks and baked goods (chips, pretzels, wafers, treats, doughnuts, etc.) also contain trans fats which increase your "bad" (LDL) cholesterol, lower your "good" (HDL) cholesterol, and raise your risk of coronary disease. They're even worse than saturated fats, especially for people with type 2 diabetes.
Ignore Eating Oily, Breaded Fried Foods
Fried foods retain loads of oil, which equate to heaps of extra calories. Also, many are covered in bread crumb coatings which raise the numbers even more significantly. Overindulging on these foods can pack on the pounds and cause glucose problems. These food sources spike glucose, and can leave it at high levels for long periods. As fat also takes longer for the body to absorb, it keeps glucose at higher levels for longer.
Rather find new methods to prepare the “fried” foods you like, such as baking, roasting, grilling or using an Air Fryer.
Avoid Alcohol or Drink Only in Moderation
Before you enjoy a cocktail or have a glass of wine with your dinner, ask your Doctor whether drinking alcohol will be safe for you, as it can disrupt your glucose levels.
Both diabetes medication and alcohol is dealt with through the liver, therefore if you take medication and drink alcohol your liver may not be be to handle this double dose.
If you would like to drink some alcohol, it is better to opt for hard liquor as it contains zero carbs. Rather consume a mixed beverage which contains a diet soda with rum or some other spirits. On the other hand, drink rum or spirits with ice or calorie-free mixers. Avoid sweet wines and cocktails which contain loads of sugar.
Skip Sweeteners That Spike Your Blood Sugar
People wrongly assume that natural sugars like honey are OK, but the body doesn't know the differences between sugars. These sugars also spike glucose levels.
Diabetics should appreciate foods for their natural flavors, and they should start cutting back on added sugar.
If you are looking for a solution to get your diabetes under control without having to make constant food sacrifices, then click here for access - https://bit.ly/3rR62rq