Your Government Is Betraying Your Rights And Highly Denying It

in tyranny •  8 years ago 

The Movement Of Being Free:

More reports have come out about the government betraying its own people and more press about it comes out, all the government does is come out saying that it's not happening, and we don't do that sort of thing.  But, the more that stories comes out and the more whistle-blowers come forward about how things are actually happening in the world, the more truth becomes unstoppable, and comes out in a fashion which it can't be denied any longer.

How Free Are We:

Of course you get people that don't want to listen or watch anything but what's on television, and take no heed to the awareness that other people are speaking about, but nonetheless, these people continue to abandon the constitution and are running illegally, with countless felonies over their heads to continue doing what they are doing.  They are abandoning the human race, for political views and religious views that oppose their own ideologies and are wrong in nature.  They say you don't have a lot in your heads, but- the reality of it all, is that there is a lot going on in our heads.  There are wars that continue, that for the most part, America has no clue as to what the hell they are even doing, and they continue to spy on every American life without regard for what they do to those human lives.  And, while you're playing chicken with your government, and not understanding why your rights are being violated, you have become a target and a person of interest to these scum bags, while they continue to shovel shit over your shoulders.

They aren't only violating the constitution, but they are violating international law.  And, they do this every day.  With our privacy that isn't even a notion to these people, they continue to do whatever they want behind our calls and our text messages, and when we're facing the plethora of problems that life has to offer, it just sickens me to see how badly, and how abruptly our lives are being at play here.  Basically, these meta data's and things that they are following are making us a sort of target for their whole globalist statist points of view, where we aren't even human beings anymore with even the slightest of rights.  We don't have natural rights; we don't have common law rights, we have no rights.  These days, we don't even have citizen rights while all rights are turning into mere privileges.

The Two Sides Of The Legal System:

There is the political track, and the government passing laws that don't protect us, and even what rights we do have, they violate and ignore.  So how technically is this even happening.  How are they spying on so many people?  How is any of this happening?  And, if we want to somehow enforce the protection of human rights, with our dignities attached, then we have to sort of find the next mechanism and the new means to enforce our rights through time.  This can be done through sciences and technology, when the science and technology isn't abused by the people who currently run things, who are currently perverting our rights for more power and more obstruction of justice, and give a people a just law for a change, where we can start to count on our police, and start to count on the laws that are designed to protect us.  Without these laws being passed that have any bearing on our future, as far as protecting its people from the harms that can/will happen - the things that can/will happen are almost an assured thing to happen.

I'm always going to be fascinated to see just what plays out when it comes to our rights as human being, because - not only are Americans violating the constitution and the amendments opposing the government to continue doing what it is doing, we are violating international law by going to war with these other countries for materialistic gains, and to gain resources.  This is like my coming to beat you up and steal your bread away, and if you don't subvert into terror and respect me, well I just kill you and call it right.  This is basically what we are doing while going to war, though we are digging for oil and to have a monopoly over everything that this world has to offer while killing anyone who stands in our way.  This is the New World Order, am I correct?  This is what Skull & Bones are all about, don't I speak the truth?

How Does This Play Out Now?

So, I'm just interested in how this New World Order plays out when more and more aware and awake people come out from their hiding shells and stop hiding inside their little boxes (houses) and start to create more and more movements that want to change these things for the future?  I hate seeing so many people homeless, targeted individuals, and people that are knowing a thing or two about what is going on, but who have given up and lost hope completely.  I need that hope!  I need that hope, because it's sometimes the only thing that I cling onto anymore for survival, and it is something that I need more of myself.  I find myself hopelessly lost in a world that I cannot change, and I cannot make better - even for a fraction of a second, though I want to.  I want to change things, and I want to create movements; songs, poems of inspiration and create whatever kind of changes that I can.  I hate the feeling that people are so destitute that they've lost hope.  I hate feeling that no one cares as much as they could.  You can't possibly care enough these days about your fellow humanity, because - too many people don't care, and it is what causes us to lose site of each other, and out dreams, lose our energy and focus and much much more.  I just want to fill the world full of dreamers like me who aren't afraid to tell their governments to stop doing whatever the hell they want, and to start doing their jobs.  I don't care if they don't want to get their hands dirty, because they're all living and soiling themselves in the dirt that they've created.  They've soiled themselves rotten in the dirt that is coming out today about them and what they are willing to do, and won't stop doing without enough people to create a massive HUGE movement that tells these folks that they just have to stop doing whatever the hell they want to do.  And, in my opinion, people have got to stand up already - or lie down forever, and just accept the fact that your children's lives and their children's lives will never ever be free again.  No one will escape the tragedy that will bestow upon us if we aren't willing to sacrifice our life for more, and give the future something more to depend on then what we are currently working with.  If it's pure evil, and just horrific to live as though it has been for me in this 2017, I can't stand the thought of not standing up for our children.  I can't stand the thought of giving up.

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Every one is born free. The government is simply in place to make your freedom not compromised. Just like your rights, you are born with all your rights. The government is there to protect those right. If the goberment cannot protect you and your rights then you need to do rise up and get make sure that happens.

The problem is that there is not enough of us that NEED to stand up, and the people that are standing up are under attack by the government here in America

Very true! Something will break evemtually.

the Government is the biggest syndicate in the world.

No Kidding... It was a war FOR TERROR to continue... I knew this too.

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