i got the order wrong :

in tyrnannogh •  4 years ago  (edited)

last month :

Ouders en leerlingen willen af van mondmaskers in de klas

Ouders en leerlingen willen af van mondmaskers in de klas

this month :

read previous two posts

its something to do with inbreeding i think and "having the best education system in the world" (according to local propaganda

just dandy and everything as predicted - i know this hellhole well, ive been stuck in it for decades after all, problem is they probably will wanna burn me again b/c its my fault

thats just how Salems lot go ...

and something about messengers

its often smart NOT to be right

eh ...



rand debielengat in een randdebielenland

the more they gather and conspire to prove by the 20s that im a lesser being the more i get convinced that despite the damage i still have one braincell more than 40 of them combined. Did you expect what ? an awww, omg belgium , AND YOU TRIED TO HARD (with the lockdown parties ? or with the fucking up my life at every turn)

i think i have only this to say :

"I'm sorry we cant help you .. come back later, HERES A FOODSTAMP ..."


owh ... yea, but the scenarios you dont are exactly what got you here : worst case scenario : the catalyst effect is way worse than the most pessimistic doctors in the field expected and brussels looks like the black plague in dantes frozen hell by january ...

best case : you have a vaccine by december that makes its way around by summer ...

BUT HEY : we mogen niet te authoritair zijn toch, anders wordern ze weer gestresseerd en beginnen ze in antwerpen weer handgranaten te smijten

en in brussel luisteren ze toch niet, we hebben het motto van de polis op de vans al vervangen door "Sorry, wij kunnen u niet helpen" (tenzij het de Jo is ... of de Wim in een buskotje misschien ?)


JONG ...

karma ...

if the same countries like taiwan have the some clean results you will look like een rand debiel twice

and WEAK in the eyes of the great leaders

ENJOY ... i know i wont, you took all joy from me

so i sincerely hope you die


wie zegter DA na ?


van randmongolengat toch achterland en weer ?

goed dan ...

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