or is that 'if you cant afford a node, fuck off, peasant?'
i have to put do-bop-a-loops in my code cuz your 'teh' chain just wont comply 2 out of 10 ?
so ... i have to add counters in case it goes down
OR i just have to
"get money" and buy and dont ask questions ?
which one is it ?
i am the masses, remember, i am not 'its just 100 dollar' and i am not 'lets buy $100.000 to play whale either' ...
so which one is it ?
you dont see how this is a BAD thing ? most of the hacker-types you want to mess around dont have the money you want people to have to keep you in champagne and caviar ...
so which one is it ?
TWO OUT OF TEN ? that 1/5th failure to return on request ... ??