I'm sure it was not the salmon mousse

in tyrnannoght •  4 years ago 

the less info the better ? if i look at all major studios its really what they do

privacy is not a crime

fresh logo : "that ramones drink" ...

fresh logo : "roaringramones drink" ...

  • Thethawing, 26 : aaight ... "syntax error, unexpected '=', expecting :: (T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM) in line 7 ... is that Korean ? or Lovecraft (quote : Syntax Error - spaghetti)

    • linux desktop first development
    • all personal accounts will be closed (as far as thats possible here due to soviets in my mail, as if hackers-on-meth in my cables wasnt enough)
    • there is no logo-compo (or any) yet, but if anyone cant resist the urge, just mail it to @tyrnannoght.eu (preferably logos@ or compos@ for easy filtering) - if its deemed c00 or l33t or SUP3Rl4m3 i'll put it in the list on the website and send you 1 to 5 steem , one a week max - i personally keep to derivations from the original hi-res lofi bloglog, but if and when i compo there will be no rules to art, fyi
    • e.t.a. is sitll a.d. 2150 , highly dependent on wether i win the euromillions lottery, get a harem and / or covid mutates to v20 and kills the western hemisphere or not
    • would be at but doesnt matter - soviets in my mail got in the way and that is that
    • will try and keep it short and shorter, i could post a youtube vid but looking at something that looks the same but is all binary instead of formatted strings and delimiters doesnt make for much youtube - daylight has valheim now - which is good for my head since daylight is not



    (the) rest

    (working on it ... like the princes of Amber, from chaos it comes , woven the strands by the ones who live in the original from which all mirrors come)

    click the little book icon (all wip - ... )

    Webp.net-gifmaker (1).gif

    then select an entry to the left -

    Webp.net-gifmaker (2).gif

    you get an animation and it will show you a render of an in-game item/concept/zone/npc/something with the name - for visitors the intention is to have full 4k renders possible for viewing, actual players will get a whole wad of text (with hopefully clues and #stuff) - again : NOT MADE FOR MOBILE : the game client wont run on a phone anyway and even if i compiled it for android i dont see how i that would work on a 5 inch screen

    ~~ removed~~ irrelevant *, ed : Kanamo-ni

    i dont keep these indefinitely , just like the screenshots, except the ones i wanna keep that is ... most vids are deleted after two weeks

    removed is manpage1 now*, ed : Kanamo-ni

    I am greatly misunderstood by politically correct idiots .
    *Brigitte Bardot*

    supporting on Patreon

    doing on Patreon

    • nothing yet

    though it must be awesome to sell people coca cola and throw a billion at charity whenver your pockets get too full im afraid as a no-income project hobbyist im stuck to the lower-lever tier but i assume 500 x 1 = 500 in most countries (here that would be 200 or something) - translated : if someone doesnt have a $1 tier i simply cant b/c at the end of the month its for busykeeping and gets me no money - i'll flag it loud when that changes after i win the lottery. I can also not deduct it since i dont have my own business as such. Tough luck :)

    "You are a deviant from the social norm!"
    "Is that an insult or a diagnosis?"
    Roger Zelazny(creatures of light and darkness)

    sadly an inescapable fact, ed : Kanamo-ni

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    fine, i tried therising and upmewhale too for this one (for experiments sake im not gonna throw 15 steem in the air at a loss every week) ill see tomorrow , im totally broken and kaputt ... i hope the circus aint starting again

    5 hours later - no votes , no refunds ... sounds like "#oldsteem" but i dont know where i would check their voting lists anyway these days

    mwell , 10 steem is close to days money so yea :) NonreFundibleTokens?

    yawn what a lousy night, it feels like pre-pandemic stress

    yea i wondered for a second : if your supreme artwork doesnt sell (like for instance 95% of deviantart and other sites) does vitalsky give you your gas back after 60 days ?

    my guess is not

    9 hours later ... no votes, no refunds

    i remember when minnowbooster and stuff would just take money from people sending for upvotes if they found it was a non-steemcleaner-approved account and pass it through to steemcleaners

    the biggest protection racket scam on Crypton ever

    but i never thought @upmewhale and @therising were the same material

    10steem-lesson well learned then until further notice

    24 hours, safe to say upmewhale and therising took my money and ran :)