on the deck but
no rush
besides if udmarkhavn is ....euh ... 5x100x100 and middlersted is 0,125x0,125
its gonna need some polish before the coding starts
yea that would be good , gud coders in polish too , but no money sorry
cf delivery guy at 20:00 ... i think those guys run 12 hour days (and then still drive home) the van wasnt empty yet
... latest i ever had was like 10pm or something a guy from GLS or ... euhmm ... DPD i think
(and the guy who dropped the c64 over the fence past midnight hahah, THAT was dedication, but also lucky since it just started raining when i woke up - ... 40 year old relics of a world-religion)
sooo - we think its time to switch for something else for a bit
118 milllion triangles past the corner ... and there basically nothing in yet
so ... low poly assets from opengameart (we dont have a basement full of crotter-paid designers) with super HQ textures ... its like having a billion polygons
...needs practice
as to the thing
i guess everyone has their coping mechanisms, most people i see have the mundane version :
... no idea how they do it but they do
for us, panic and fear aint part of it ... lack of flight reaction has been a bit of trouble in the past sometimes (to think thekid would crawl under a pile if you looked at him)
but theres nothing we can do but try to take care of ourselves b/c you know for a fact
if war comes the gov't will flee to england hahah
or maybe not this time, maybe straight to canada
really hoping we can see the finale of kingdom season 4 before the actual festival starts
shower 'n sleep, 3 hours overdue but THANKS to the delivery guy - ... that's a lot of backpacks to carry to and fro
uhuh thats far from perfect very well aware but actually the prime intention is to build the world and atm it looks like getting only one zone with all the places and lore will already be a feat
... the more unigine the more it comes clear we scratches like the scratchlot film off of it and there's a fractal universe beneath it - like a corner in the shadows
always deeper but
probably bit on the website a bit
then see - its not like anything really mattered before all this b/c our life was already stolen
and fear
its okay to be scared, its actually closer to normal than not, its probably also normal to act like those paralyzing sheep and go blank when this happens - "flight" into whatever ... lots of drugs i suppose (that includes ethyl) but work and whatever
we dont have that luxury we can only see the world as it is
as we have to as the cat
our lady requires it
but its not okay to be controlled by fear
once you are you are no longer your own
then THEY own you
and i dont think its the triffids anymore
we are still VERY convinced that consecutive covid has lasting effects and we are more and more convinced the high sociables must have had it 20 times or more by now
that frontal lobe is swiss cheese and this is what you get
gods know what else it does
everyone stopped caring anyway so its a nice triffid with a side of ... aah that thing they say cats get that makes rats not scared of them so they get all sociable (with the cats) which helps the virus to propagate itself
euhmmm, forgot
so maybe it does that and you stop caring
or maybe its the overload
but when you wake up in the morning
eggs & toast is probably still a good idea before anything else
4 hours overdue, the body complains
and you know living in europe (that place that is losing business and production to roadrunner-Joe's shack), if germany shuts down
toilet paper might be the least concern
to me chemicals for stuff i been taking for years are a bit prime i can wipe my ass with the commercials every week in the bus i bet they wont quit those
even during a nuclear winter and
see here euh
theres nothing you can do
might as well eat that steak and savour every bite while waiting
go easy on the wine
the gov't needs money i bet no one gets by without a test
the folks had like 3 fines on the road to france and the old man certainly aint no dragracer
IF anything then
personally, WE can only have regrets about our own decisions, everything we were made to or manipulated into is something we cant bother with
and of our own decisions we dont regret too many
less than fingers-on-one-hand
so if it drops dead it wont have been such a bad run
(some of that viking fatalism lol)
tho it would be nicer to plant the hammer and the axe on the final hour too
not a necessity if you live in folkvangr - my place is set
i have a throne in hell too, cousin Hella said "HEY, whenever you feel like it, i know you like humans as much as i do"
and we said "Sure, we'll drop by sometimes for a small holiday, keep dem pits smoldering , we have a few bills that need settling"
cloudy weather huh ?
musk isleaving germany too to get more subsidies from roadrunner joe
now he's not our friend anymore here in the old world but say
if europe is no longer roadrunner joe's friend
we assume the russians aint
neither is china and we bet India smiles a lot but in reality .... Oz is "busy please hold" and NZ pretends its not on the map
there'sthis place called mongolia
thats NEVER in the news so without europe ?
who's gonna be your friend ?
i dont think Italy is interested at the moment
so who's the preacher ? (false christ?)
who's been lying the most since god sent disease ?
seems to be a metasymbol but actually afwk the yugas moving from cali to satya also have something about the end of corruption so thats past the preacher - even the mayans have that, "people communicate in thought" (as the road to the underworld opens) but both those are about re-birth (ofcourse, the force at the center, pure Kali(goddess) only gets rebirth through destruction - - - and looking at the seals
id say ragnarok is about around the sixth :p
b/c when Odin hung himself from the tree of life (which essentially stands for timelines hence upside down he saw all futures) he knew ragnarok was inevitable
looking at entropy in the macroverse it somewhat seems to be the case but
homocentrism probably assumes that the universe revolves around earths arse
... i should get some sleep starting to speak in tongues
cat inside, looks like the raingods are with us, no thunder though - (no horns either for the christians - not sure what the muslims are supposed to hear)
if you're a religious zealot preacher these must be the days of your life
there cant be a single religion in the world that doesnt have all the signs right now
but of all things ...
safe to say the christian seals were broken about right after the spoken word ....
and quite sure this is not the satya yuga yet
it has all the signs of Cali right?
(tis, hinduism is euhm, there's the demon Cali and the goddess Kali, both probably take ten books to explain in depth)
another thing is sure
this is not gonna cost me one second of sleep (but steemit is)
o yasumi nasai (de gozarruh lol)