RE: Still breathing

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Still breathing

in tyrnannoght •  2 months ago  (edited)

There seem to be a few tipu curators (?) I asked them but no response.

I tried the tipu site before but it was dead end. I'll check if they repaired it or your link works.

Next to SBI there's UVF too, works the same (they say - Korean?) but I'm not sure yet.

It will be hard with Alzheimer's to lay hand on your investment, parkinson or a blackout won't make it easier either.

Good to hear you are still positive!

Below the belt is hard since I sold it longer ago.

Ley's see where we stand after summer or in december, if the year of the dragon brings luck.

Thanks so far.

All the best to you.

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you too, serial writer :p i hope it was of any help

Serial writer yup... serial acvount moderator yes too. I try out uvf now and sbi said: what if they go bankrupt...well, sbi started once too.
